Sunday, December 31, 2017

Visiting Rome, interested in Street Evangelisation ? : Let's walk together, only in the Catholic Church

If your a Catholic interested in street mission may be we could do it together in Rome.Come and meet me. If your a tourist or visitor who only speaks in English, we can do the sharing together in English.No controversial stuff. No forceful proselytism but just saying hello and smiling and letting them know that we exist.We can direct them to information on the Internet after they know our basic beliefs, if they are interested.
I walk a lot and so I often meet the Jehovah Witnesses. They put in 10 to 36 hours of street evangelizing every week.Then at the weekend at their center they given an account of the number of hours they would be on the streets.They buy literature and distribute it the next week.They too believe in exclusive salvation but do not speak about it up front.
If there are Catholics  who have had experience in street evangelisation in their country  I could learn a thing or two.My experience has been talking with the Jehovah's witnesses and the Pentecostals /Born Again.I have been effective. They , ex Catholics, are surprised  to find that what I say is the teachings of the Catholic Church. This is what some of them had been looking for but it was not there in the parish i.e the clearness of the faith and surety and exclusiveness of it. If  your visiting Rome this could be a new way of seeing  the city So set aside a few hours for daily street evangelisation. 
I am usually walking from one place to another, may be we could do it together and share the faith among us and others. We have an advantage. I am not teaching any thing  new. I am affirming  Vatican Council II and the Catehism of the Catholic Church.The difference between me and other Catholics is that I do not interpret these Church documents with the invisible- people- are- visible- premise. I do not use the hypothetical- cases- are- not- hypothetical false premise.
So I am not a traditionalist, sedevacantist or heretic. Neither am I a liberal who rejects Tradition.I am a simple Catholic  who understands mission, in theology and doctrine as did the Jesuits in the Middle  Ages.
Name: Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 30, 2017

For Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson there are no known cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance. For Cardinal Muller there are

DECEMBER 30, 2017

When will Cardinal Luiz Ladaria like Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson say there are no known cases of the baptism of desire?

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