Friday, December 8, 2017

Piazza Spagna - mission

Image result for Photo of Pope Francis at Piazza Spagna
Image result for Photo of Pope Francis at Piazza SpagnaImage result for Photo of Pope Francis at Piazza Spagna

About two hours back I was at Piazza Spagna.Just happened to be there.There was no enthusiasm to go to the piazza as in the past when other popes were there.That beautiful statue for me was a sign of mission. I remembered the prayer at the Legion of Mary meeting,'Who is she who cometh forth fair as the moon bright as the sun terrible as an enemy in battle array'. This is the image of Our Lady for me at Piazza Spagna. And I spontaneously pray this prayer when I am there.It is an image of Our Lady never resting  but always fighting against Satan for us.Never tired.
Image result for Photo of Pope Francis at Piazza SpagnaImage result for Photo of Pope Francis at Piazza Spagna
So when I heard someone among the crowd say the pope was visiting the Basilica of St. Andrea della Fratte I was disappointed. Next month there is to be a syncretistic inter faith prayer meeting at this Basilica where the Jew Alphonse Ratisbonne converted to the Catholic Faith. He did not just become a Christian as Pope Francis is reported to have said ( Vatican Radio).He became a Catholic.He believed outside the Church there is no salvation. He saw the beauty and importance of the Catholic Faith for salvation. Our Lady showed him all this in a flash.He realized the importance of mission. He wanted non Catholics to know this truth not out of superiority or arrogance but love for their eternal souls.

Image result for Photo of Pope Francis at Piazza Spagna
He was also the founder of a missionary congregation which was dismantled with the new theology, which says there is known salvation outside the Church and so there should not be traditional mission. Unknown cases of the baptism of desire are known examples of salvation outside the Church was the new theology contradicting the past exclusivist ecclesiology of Alphonse Ratsibonne.

Mission and conversion was not on the mind of the pope in front of the statue.Vatican Radio reports:
Surrounded by crowds of pilgrims, tourists and local Roman residents, the Pope recited a specially-composed Prayer to Our Lady in which he asked her, among other things, to help us “rid ourselves of all pride and arrogance and to recognize ourselves for what we really are: small and poor sinners” – but always Mary’s children.1
The Jewish Left rabbis had praised Pope Benedict for  agreeing to be just another Christian at an inter faith meetings attended by many representatives of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel,including those in Italy. Perhaps this is what the pope meant.To 'recognise ourself' for what they want us to think we are.
Alphonse Ratsibonne did not only evangelise with a testimony of his life, he had traditional doctrines on faith and exclusive salvation to proclaim. He had something to say.
He did not consider the Catholic Church another small Christian sect.But Ratisbonne's theology for the pope and the Masons would be 'triumphalism'. 
I am thinking of Pope John Paul who went to India, since he was blocked from going to China, and appealed to all to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation. He read out his Ecclesia di Eucarestia there.
He actually called for conversion into the Catholic Church and the local Hindu nationalist groups began to protest after he left.
'recognize ourselves for what we really are: small and poor sinners'
'Who is she that cometh forth fair as the moon bright as the sun terrible as an army in battle array. O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee and especially pray for Masons and the enemies of the Church'.-Lionel Andrades

GUST 20, 2017

Rapid Response Squadra di Centro Fatima ha avuto bisogno il 18 gennaio 2018 presso la Basilica di San Andrea della Fratte, Piazza Spagna, Roma

AUGUST 20, 2017

Fatima Center's Rapid Response Team needed on Jan 18,2018 at the Basilica of San Andrea della Fratte, Piazza Spagna, Rome

AUGUST 18, 2017

Syncretistic prayer vigil to conclude 175th anniversay of Our Lady's apparition to Alphonse Ratisbonne

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