Saturday, February 17, 2018

In Times Of Evil: The Chaplet

In Times Of Evil: The Chaplet
Parents wait for news after a reports of a shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., on Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2018. (AP Photo/Joel Auerbach)
In our time, we face many events, trends, and spiritual shades of light (and darkness) rising on all sides.

Make no mistake: evil is intensifying in our personal lives as well as our society.
Yet, we're never powerless; just the opposite. While Christ looked vulnerable in the desert, He was actually expanding to His most powerful state, due to strengthening through adversity. He fought a fantastic onslaught of evil and temptation through fasting. Our hardest choices often bear the greatest fruit. With prayer and fasting we can stop wars and even suspend the laws of nature.
Nothing that rises against us cannot be subdued in some way through discipline in the sense of eternity. It is difficult to report the news. It is also necessary.
From the Diary of St. Faustina:
"Today I was awakened by a great storm. The wind was raging, and it was raining in torrents, thunderbolts striking again and again. I began to pray that the storm would do no harm, when I heard the words: Say the chaplet I have taught you, and the storm will  cease. I began immediately to say the chaplet and hadn't even finished it when the storm suddenly ceased, and I heard the words; Through the chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you ask for is compatible with My will" (1731).
And again, 
"When a great storm was approaching, I began to say the chaplet. Suddenly I heard the voice of an angel: 'I cannot approach in this storm, because the light which comes from her mouth drives back both me and the storm.' Such was the angel's complaint to God. I then recognized how much havoc he was to have made through this storm; but I also recognized that this prayer was pleasing to God, and that this chaplet was most powerful (1791)."
Please remind people to pray the Chaplet and beg for God's Mercy on this world, notes a reader named Kathleen, especially with the devastating natural events, societal trends, and crimes -- the school shooting -- evil that with fasting and prayer can be defeated.

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