Saturday, February 17, 2018

‘Red Rose Rescuers’ appear in court, plead ‘not guilty’ to charges of entering abortion center

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WASHINGTON, D.C., February 15, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A Catholic priest pleaded “not guilty” this morning to unlawful entry inside an abortion facility. The case moved forward, with a pre-trial hearing scheduled for May 23 and the actual trial on June 25.
The priest, Father Stephen Imbarrato, and two other pro-life activists, Julia Haag and Joan McKee (collectively the “D.C. three”), will be tried together in June for their December 2 Red Rose Rescue. They entered an abortion facility operated by Steven Bringham at 6323 Georgia Ave NW, Suite 210 and gave roses and pro-life information to the women inside.
The D.C. three are being tried in the Superior Court of D.C. Haag and McKee had already both been arraigned at an earlier date. Both pleaded “not guilty.”
The “Rescue” movement began during the early days of the pro-life movement. It was normal for pro-life activists to enter abortion facilities to counsel women and even chain themselves to abortion equipment to prevent abortions from occurring. Many babies were saved this way.
In Canada, Mary Wagner continues to use this approach.
In 1994, then-President Clinton signed the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which makes it a federal crime to physically block women from obtaining abortions. FACE effectively ended the widespread use of normal rescue tactics.
Pro-lifers in Washington, D.C. distributed these red roses with miraculous medals and pregnancy help information on December 2, 2017.
Claire Chretien / LifeSiteNews
But, inspired by Mary Wagner, the Red Rose Rescue movement focuses on distributing red roses to mothers inside abortion centers and urging them to choose life. No one involved in the Red Rose Rescue has been charged with violating FACE.
Imbarrato, Haag, and McKee are represented by Paul Kiyonaga, who is ranked by Washingtonian magazineas one of the area’s top lawyers. (This magazine’s lists have significant clout in the D.C. area.)
Kiyonaga informed Judge Frederick Weisberg that the pro-lifers intend to use a defense of necessity and/or one related to acting on their consciences. The May 23 pre-trial hearing will be when Kiyonaga explains these arguments in more detail; Weisberg will then decide whether they can be used.
Weisberg indicated he doesn’t think witnesses at that hearing will be necessary, but Kiyonaga said they may be. Kiyonaga will have to state his intentions about having witnesses at that hearing in a motion due April 17.

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