Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Msgr. Todd J.Lajiness,Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit :Canon Law does not permit him to reject the dogma EENS and hold a Rector's Office

Msgr. Todd J.Lajiness, Rector of the Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit is interpreting Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus  with the irrational LOHO (Letter of the Holy Office 1949) reasoning so a rupture is created with Tradition. Like Cardinal Luiz Ladaria s.j, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,Msgr.Lajiness,interprets Lumen Gentium 8 as referring to known people saved outside the Church when there are no such known people.

He interprets Vatican Council II with the for and against EENS method instead of the for and neutral to EENS method. This way of reading Vatican Council II is now obsolete since a rational and traditional alternative is there.He is a liberal. So he can offer Mass in English in Detroit. The traditionalists and sedevacantists do not accept the conclusion of his irrational reasoning. So they reject his version of Vatican Council II. So they cannot use the churches in Detroit to offer Holy Mass.
For the Rector the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) refer to known people saved outside the Church,visible people in 2018. So BOD,BOB and I.I are examples of salvation outside the Church and exceptions to EENS. Meanwhile in my e-mail correspondence with the professors of theology and philosophy at the seminary, some of them have said that BOD, BOB and I.I are hypothetical cases only and we do not know any actual people saved as such in 2017.
Yet the faculty at the seminary have to teach the seminarians and priests and lay students that there are known exceptions to the dogma EENS and that Vatican Council II contradicts EENS. This is a falsehood.
They also have to teach the students that Vatican Council II is a rupture with EENS. This too is a falsehood. Vatican Council II is a rupture with EENS only when the for and against  EENS method is used to interpret the Council.
The lay and religious faculty at Detroit have been informed and yet they continue with this falsehood and deception.
They are in schism with the past popes and in first class heresy. They have changed the understanding of the Nicene Creed, re-interpreted Vatican Council II with the same irrationality and projected the Catechisms as a break with the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS.
Mystici Corporis, Quanta Cura, Catechism of Trent and Pio X do not state that BOD, BOB and I.I refer to visible instead of invisible cases.Yet the liberals make this claim.
Image result for Photo of Archbishop Allen Vigneron
All this is being done with the permission of the Archbishop of Detroit who permits RCIA, Catechesis and Religion classes in school to be taught with the false interpretation of Vatican Council II.
A denial of the faith instead of a Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity was made by the new professors at Sacred Heart Dr. Matthew Gerlach, Dr. Timothy Hogan, Fr. Brian Meldrum, Fr. Ronald Richards, Fr. Bryan Shackett, Dr. David Twellman and Fr. Pieter van Rooyen. None of them have denied .
The students/seminarians/deacons should appeal to the faculty, to affirm all magisterial documents( Nicene Creed, dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Council of Trent, Catechisms of Trent,Baltimore and Pius X, Vatican Council II, Catechism of the Catholic Church etc) but interpret them without the New Theology, Cushingite theology, whih is based on the irrational premise of there being non existing people who really exist.They need to interpret them without the for and against EENS method and instead choose the rational for and neutral to EENS method.
This is deception, with full knowledge,at this diocesan seminary in Detroit.
The professors Ralph Martin, Robert Fastiggi and Phillip Blosser agree that BOD,BOB and I.I do not refer to physically visible people in 2017.Yet when they teach, and write books they have to infer that LG 16, LG 14, AG 7 etc all refer to exceptions to the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS.So they infer that BOD, BOB and I.I are visible cases in our reality when they teach theology at the Licentiate and Doctorate level at the seminary.
All the faculty members at Sacred Heart have been contacted via e-mail, including the Rector, and none of them deny these reports on the blogEucharist and Mission.
Students will not be given an Academic Degree if they affirm Feeneyite EENS.It is obligatory to state in public that BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions to EENS and that the Holy Office 1949 did not make an objective mistake in the Fr.Leonard Feeney case.
When this error is avoided it completely changes the interpretation of Vatican Council II and this is not taught at the seminary.

For me Vatican Council II is a legitimate, dogmatic, pastoral, exclusivist and traditional Council  but for the Rector and faculty at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit it is a legitimate, pastoral, non exclusivist and non traditional Council.Since it is a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors for them.

The turning point, the parting of ways can be seen at LG 16. For them being saved in invincible ignorance(LG 16) refers to a visible person.Since for them  LG 16 is an exception to EENS they infer there is a visible person. An invisible person cannot be an exception.
For them LG 16 refers to a known person saved outside the Church for me it is an unknown person.
For them this known person is an exception to all needing to be members of the Catholic Church to avoid the fires of Hell.(Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441).For me an unknown person cannot be an exception.
Msgr.Todd J. Lajiness, the Rector of the Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit,  who is  a member of the Board of Commissioners for the Association of Theological Schools(ATS),USA  and also works with ATS on accreditation, visits seminaries throughout the USA.He ensures that this irrationality is taught in salvation theology. The traditional ecclesiology is rejected. It is not said that 'the Church made a mistake'.

The accreditation is only given to those instituitions which do not admit that 'the Church made a mistake' in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case.
Accreditation is only given to those institutions which intepret Vatican Council II with Lumen Gentium 16 as referring to visible and known people saved outside the Church.
This is deception and dishonesty.

If the pope violates the Principle of Non Contradiction it does not make the pope correct. We cannot see people on earth saved with BOD, BOB and I.I even if the pope suggests otherwise.
If the Magisterium violates the Principle of Non Contradiction the magisterium is still wrong.
The Catholic Church made an objective mistake through its popes, cardinals and bishops. Pius XII confused  what is invisible as being visible, what is unknown as being known.
They made a mistake in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case.Since  the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance (I.I) refer to invisible people.They could not be objective exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) in the past or present.

So when it is often said that Pope Pius XII excommunicated Fr.Leonard Feeney with the support of Cardinal Richard Cushing, the Archbishop of Boston, it only means that the pope and the cardinal made an objective mistake. They assumed BOD, BOB and I.I referred to physically visibile people, known cases saved outside the Church.
-Lionel Andrades

AUGUST 10, 2017

http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2017/08/catholic-students-at-sacred-heart-major.htmlImage result for Photo of Robert Fastiggi  at Sacred Heart Major Seminary Detroit

AUGUST 5, 2017

Faculty and students at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit forced to use irrational Cushingism as a theology instead of Feeneyism: Michael Voris and CMTV also have to accept it

http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2017/08/faculty-and-students-at-sacred-heart.htmlAUGUST 15, 2017

For the Sacred Heart Major Seminary Detroit Vatican Council II is not exclusivist or traditional as it is for me.

 OCTOBER 22, 2017

Seven Faculty Members Make Oath of Fidelity at Sacred Heart Major Seminary Detroit :affirming irrationality and heresy is obligatory

Image result for Photo of Ralph Mart at Sacred Heart Major Seminary Detroit

Image result for Photo of Robert Fastiggi  at Sacred Heart Major Seminary Detroit
August 9, 2017

For Ralph Martin,Robert Fastiggi and Phillip Blosser BOD etc refer to invisible cases but students at Detroit have to infer that they are visible

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