Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Sedevacantists can inform the Vatican and local bishops that they are no more in sedevacantism because of Vatican Council II

In the debate with Dr.Robert Fastiggi on Ecclesiology the sedevacantist Bishop Donald Sanbor, answering a question from a local priest, said that if he could be shown how Vatican Council II can be reconciled with the past Tradition of the Church ,then the next day he would report at the local Chancery Office.
Now Bishop Sanborn knows how Vatican Council II can be reconciled with Tradition. He just has to assume references to hypothetical cases are hypothetical only. Then there is nothing in the Council to contradict the  traditional, exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church upon which was based an ecumenism of return.
The way is open for him now.
He can ask to use Rome's churches and announce that he affirms a Vatican Council II in harmony with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known to the Magisterium in the 16th century.
He could announce that he affirms a Vatican Council II, with Lumen Gentium  8 referring to  a hypothetical case,so it is not a rupture with the  Syllabus of Errors and an  ecumenism of return.

Since the Council is in harmony with the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church, he would not have a problem with the popes from John XXIII. He goes ahead and accepts Vatican Council II as being traditional.So he does not blame the popes any more.
Presently it is only due to confusion that traditionalists bishops and priests cannot use Rome's churches to offer Holy Mass.
Bishops Pirvarunas, Dolan and Sanborn simply have to announce that there are no known cases of non Catholics saved with 'elements of sanctification and truth' in 2018. There is no known  case of a non Catholic saved outside the Church where the true Church of Christ allegedly subisists.(LG 8)
So the present sedevacantists are clear in their mind that the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance could not have been an exception to Feeneyite EENS and is not an exception in 2018. So LG 16, LG 14 etc in Vatican Council II, could not be seen any more as being in oppostion to Feeneyite EENS and the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church.
This would be their understanding of Vatican Council II and EENS and they can inform the Vatican  and the local bishops that they are no more in sedevacnatism because of Vatican Council II.-Lionel Andrades

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