Thursday, June 28, 2018

Repost : Beda Pontifical College Rome: still teaching error

 MARCH 19, 2014

Beda Pontifical College Rome: still teaching error

The Beda Pontifical College in Rome, the Catholic seminary under the Bishops of England and Wales is continuing to ordain priests( since I was a seminarian there in 2002-2003) who interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise of being able to see the dead-saved. They are taught that Lumen Gentium 16 refers to cases saved in invincible ignorance. It is implied that we personally can see and know these cases for them to be exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So Vatican Council II is a break with the past.-Lionel Andrades

Mgr Roderick Strange with Jubilarian guests

Ordinations to the Priesthood (2013)

Luke FernandoTOR Franciscan, Sri Lanka9 February
Charles MerrillDiocese of Birmingham, Alabama22 June
Terence McGovernDiocese of Kildare & Leighlin, Ireland23 June
Simon GraingerDiocese of Melbourne28 June
Martin TateDiocese of Westminster29 June
Paul LeeDiocese of Edinburgh29 June
Anthony WoodDiocese of Argyll and the Isles3 July
Mansel UsherDiocese of Menevia6 July
Joseph HoganDiocese of Killala, Ireland7 July
Alfons HolelaOSB, Ndanda Abbey, Tanzania11 July
Titus NkaneOSB, Ndanda Abbey, Tanzania11 July
Philip HallDiocese of Leeds20 July
Leonard TattDiocese of Southwark20 July
Peter RozitisDiocese of Adelaide, Australia27 July
Maselino LafaeleDiocese of Apia, Samoa9 December
Joseph HollowayDiocese of Lismore, Australia12 December

Ordinations to the Diaconate (2013)

The following were ordained to the Diaconate at St Paul’s Basilica on June 14th by Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor.

Dominic ByrneDiocese of Canberra & Goulburne,
Ralph CandyDiocese of Plymouth
David CaseyDiocese of Limerick
Patrick DaleyDiocese of Brentwood
Keith EvansDiocese of Menevia
Laurence GambellaDiocese of Salford
John HylandDiocese of Kildare & Leighlin
Barry LarkinDiocese of Ferns
Paul MizziArchdiocese of Malta
Shaun RichardsArchdiocese of Westminster
Paul UnderwoodDiocese of Menevia
Martin WheatonDiocese of Hexham & Newcastle

Ordinations to the priesthood (2012)

Patrick DuffyDiocese of Ferns, Ireland24 June
Jeremy MilneDiocese of Edinburgh30 June
Louis RieunierDiocese of Plymouth3 July
Alan BurgessDiocese of Southwark14 July
Felix Augustin OSBSt Leo Abbey, Florida, USA1st September
Steve Clemente Diocese of Venice, Florida, September,USA
These priests  were taught to reject Vatican Council II
 (Ad Gentes 7) and assume there are known exceptions.
They were taught to reject the Nicene Creed in which 
we pray 'I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness 
of sin'. 
There are three known baptism for them.
They were taught to reject the Catechism of the Catholic 
Church 846 which says all need to enter the Church
 as through a door. For them all do not need to 
enter the Church. There are known exceptions.


Viale di San Paolo, 18
00146 Roma
Fr. John Breen
Dean of Studies
Tel. +39 06 55 12 72 52
Fax. +39 06 55 12 72 54
BTh/BD ProgrammeThe Pontifical Beda College, Rome, was founded in 1852 as a seminary, and is under the auspices of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. It offers a four year process of formation for ministerial priesthood in the Catholic tradition. In formal academic terms, the first three years make up the  Bachelor of Theology Programme (BTh) which is presented in collaboration with St. Mary’s University
college. (The 4th Year offers students the Graduate Diploma in Theology).

The College has been offering the BTh programme at British University level since 2002. In September 2010 a new collaborative programme with St Mary’s University College was initiated.

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