Thursday, June 28, 2018

Repost :Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales assumes non Catholics saved with 'seeds of the Word' etc are known to us in 2014

MARCH 19, 2014

Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales assumes non Catholics saved with 'seeds of the Word' etc are known to us in 2014

Cardinal Tauran - Jain Derasar

Meeting God in Friend and Stranger
Nostra Aetate recognises that there are elements of truth and holiness in other religions and acknowledges that the Holy Spirit is at work in them. Other relig-ions contain ‘seeds of the Word’ and ‘a ray of the one Truth’. God’s good plan, and the promise of eternal life, applies to every human being. At the same time, Christ is the only one through whom it is possible to come to this eternal life. What is true and holy in other religions does not replace the Good News of Chris-tianity, but can create a fertile environment for it.
Catholic-Jewish Relations
The Bishops' Conference of the Catholic Church in England and Wales in the documentMeeting God in Friend and Stranger does not state that according to Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7), all non Catholics in England need'faith and baptism' for salvation. They need to enter the Church visibly with 'faith and baptism' and there are no known exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II or personally known in 2014.
On their  website there is also a video of Gavin D'Costa. D'Costa assumes that Lumen Gentium 16 (being saved in invincible ignorance), UR 3 ( being saved in imperfect communion with the Church) refer to cases of non Catholics saved and who are physically seen in 2014. So they are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and to Ad  Gentes 7. This would mean Vatican Council II for the Bishops Conference contradicts itself, Ad Gentes 7 is opposed by Lumen Gentium 16, Unitatis Redintigration 3 etc.
This is irrational. We cannot see the deceased  who are now saved in Heaven.So there are no exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.All need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.
'Seeds of the Word' (AG 11) and ' a ray of the one Truth' (NA 2) are not exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
'At the same time, Christ is the only one through whom it is possible to come to this eternal life.' True. But what about the Church? In England do not all people need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation? Those who are saved through Jesus and the Church in other religions are not known to us.They are not exceptions to all needing faith and baptism in England to go to Heaven and avoid the fires of Hell.
-Lionel Andrades
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