Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Cardinal Burke not reported by liberal media -and also Michael Voris and CMTV

At the Voice of the Family Conference in Rome on May 18, 2018 Cardinal Raymond Burke said that other religions were false religions and for him Lumen Gentium 8 said that the one true Church or Christ subsists in only the Catholic Church.So he proclaimed  the necessity of the Social Reign of Christ the King, privately and in public.It was not restricted to only Catholics. He called for a constant evangelisation and not bowing dowing to ideologies and systems including pluralism. But all this as not reported by the liberal and pro-Mason 'Catholic media.But neither was it reported by Michael Voris and Church Militant TV.
Did Michael Voris not want to be quoted saying, like many traditionalists and sedevacantists that other religions were false religions ? 1
-Lioonel Andrades

Image result for photo of social reign of christ the king


JUNE 5, 2018

Michael Voris hides the truth about Catholic salvation on the CMTV website(FAQ) : Peter and Michael Dimond who are honest are criticized

JUNE 4, 2018

Rupture and continuity with the past - Pope Francis and Cardinal Raymond Burke    http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2018/06/rupture-and-continuity-with-past-pope.html

JUNE 4, 2018

Cardinal Raymond Burke says other religions are false religions while Pope Francis says Orthodox Christians do not need to convert into the Catholic Church. Some time back he said the same for Protestants

JUNE 4, 2018

Cardinal Burke and Pope Francis show us that there can be two interpretations of Vatican Council II : one is a continuity with EENS and the other is a rupture
-Lionel Andrades


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