Sunday, June 3, 2018

Globalists plan to Islamize Africa and Europe

Gobalists plan to Islamize Africa and Europe while the annual Corpus Christi proceccession in central Rome has been banned.Recently the leftist President of Italy Sergio Mattarella decided not to permit the elected Governement in Italy to remain in office since they opposed the policies of the globalists, Masons and the Left.
Today is the first time in years that I will  not be attending the annual Corpus Christi procession in central Rome.
Image result for Photos Corpus Christi Procession in RomeImage result for Photos Corpus Christi Procession in Rome
Image result for Photos Corpus Christi Procession in RomeImage result for Photos Corpus Christi Procession in Rome
According to Bishop Wilfrid Chipa, a bishop in Nigeria, the West is silent since there is a plan to Islamize Nigeria. 1.
While recently Tommy Robinson who is persecuted by the Leftist government in Britain, said that it was clear to him that there was a plan by the elite to Islamize Europe. 2
This has been a claim over the years also among Muslims sources. They say that the whole world will be Muslim.
Presently the Deep State in the USA is  protecting ISIS and it is expected that they will be used to destroy Christian civilization in it s present form, in a preparation for the coming of the Anti Christ.
Presently Obama has once referred to the USA as being a Muslim country but President's Trump's election has stalled the plans of the Illuminati and the Bilderberg group who will shortly, according to reports, be having a meeting in Turin, Italy.
Image result for Photos Corpus Christi Procession in RomeImage result for Photos Corpus Christi Procession in Rome
Image result for Photos Corpus Christi Procession in RomeImage result for Photos Corpus Christi Procession in Rome
Our Lady has made some important predictions for the Church, in  her apparitions at Tre Fontane Rome which were initially approved by the pope -and also in her messages to Fr. Stefano Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests.She says that in the end her Immaculate Heart of Mary will Triumph but before this the Church must suffer much persecution. 
The Book of Revelation in the Bible also mentions the tribulations of these Last Times and says that in the end all nations and peoples will enter the Catholic Church.
-Lionel Andrades



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