Sunday, June 3, 2018

This is the ecclesiology Bishop Athanasius Schneider will not proclaim in public to the Kazakh people.It is physically safe out there to be a Cushingite

Bishop Athanasius Schneider  has approved a book based on Cushingism which supports the present liberalism and modernism in the Church. 1In spite of so many reports on line, he keeps repeating the same error , without defending himself theologically and doctrinally. He cannot affirm the faith in public and considers this a special privilege he has as a bishop; it is an exception for him, while he expects lay Catholics to speak out on controversial teachings of the Catholic Church.
He may say tht he endorses the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I)  but I say the same.I affirm BOD, BOB and I.I and also the strict interpretation of EENS.I do not have to choose. Since BOD, BOB and I.I  refer to invisible and unknown people in 2018.
This was how St.Maximillian Kolbe understood BOD,BOB and I.I and extra ecclesiam nulla salus in the 1930's.He was following the common interpretation over the centuries.
But for Bishop Schneider , like Ludwig Ott and Dr.Robert Fastiggi, BOD,BOB and I.I  are visualized as personally known non Catholics, saved outside the Church. This is the inference in their mind.In this way BOD etc become to  exceptions to EENS. So there is a rupture with St.Maximillian Kolbe and the saints and popes of the past.
BOD, BOB and I.I were not exceptions to EENS for St.Maximillian Kolbe and were also only hypothetical cases for St. Thomas Aquinas.
One does not have to explain this, it is a given.BOD etc can only be known to God and so for humans they can only be hypothetical.So I have to accept BOD, BOB and I.I as being hypothetical and not practical exceptions to EENS.There is no alternative rational choice.
Yet hypothetical cases of LG 14( BOD) and LG 16(I.I) are exceptions to the traditional ecclesiology of the Church, for Bishop Athanasius Schneider.This is Cushingism.
He will not announce that LG 14 and LG 16 are not exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. There is no rupture with the missionaries in the 16th century.But he will not say.
This is the ecclesiology he will not proclaim in public to the Kazakh people.It is physically safe out there to be a Cushingite.Bishop Schneider denies the Faith  when he offers Mass in Latin.It is not the Traditional Latin Mass since the ecclesiology is Cushingite and new.
In the past he would often give an interview on Vatican Council II. Now he has stopped. But still for him, Cardinal Sarah,Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, Chris Ferrara and many others,  we should receive the Eucharist kneeling, the priest must  face the East at Mass  and every one must interpret all magisterial documents as a rupture with EENS  since this is obligatory for Satan supported by the Left.-Lionel Andrades


JUNE 2, 2018

Baronius Press and Dr.Robert Fastiggi have brought out a new edition of Ludwig Otts Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma since it supports the present liberalism in the Catholic Church, with its Cushingite theology

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