Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Repost : Does the Mandatum of the Bishop ask Dominicans to say there are known exceptions to all needing to convert into the Church in 2014 ?

APRIL 12, 2014

Does the Mandatum of the Bishop ask Dominicans to say there are known exceptions to all needing to convert into the Church in 2014 ?

Sister Mary SarahI  sent Sister Mary Sarah Galbraith, the President of Aquinas College, Nashville, USA the following blog post, a few days back:-
Dominican priests like Sister Mary Sarah, O.P will say 'they support the Catholic Church’s teachings'.


There are so many questions not clarified.What is the theology being taught at Aquinas College. Is it rational ? Is it a rejection of St.Thomas Aquinas' teaching on salvation ?.

1. Would she interpret the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846 as saying that there is exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church i.e all need to enter the Church as through a door (CCC 846,AG 7) and all need faith and baptism (AG 7) ?

2. Does she consider CCC 847 and 848 an exception to CCC 846 i.e there are known exceptions to all needing to enter the Church. Those saved in invincible ignorance and who are now in Heaven are also visible to us in 2014 on earth. So every one does not have to enter the Church or do all people need to enter the Church in 2014 with no known exceptions , for salvation ?

3. This would mean when she meets a non Catholic she knows that he is oriented to Hell since the Church says so (AG 7, CCC 846) and she would not know of any exception in 2014 ?

Sr. Jane Dominic Laurel O.P teaches theology 'according to the Catholic Church.'Does the Catholic Church teach that all Americans need to convert into the Catholic Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell ?

2. We are concerned with the whole person.
To say that Aquinas College is a Catholic school is to understand faith as light and not as restriction. This light is shed on all areas of the curriculum but not in a way that is unnatural, superimposed or intolerant of other beliefs. Faith and reason are not in opposition but in actuality they are considered complementary aspects of reality.-Why Acquinas College? (1)
'Faith and reason are not in opposition but in actuality they are considered complementary aspects of reality'
Reason tells us that we cannot see the dead who are now saved in Heaven. We do not know any one saved with invincible ignorance etc.So how can these cases be an exception to our Catholic Faith which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. So does Aquinas College teach that there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church and all need to be visible members of the Church with 'faith and baptism' ?
'The theology faculty at Aquinas is united in its vision of the Church and her teachings. In accordance with the document Ex Corde Ecclesiae every teacher of theology has the Mandatum (official authorization) from the local bishop.'
Does the Mandatum of the Bishop expect the Dominicans to teach that there are known exceptions to all needing to convert into the Church in 2014 ? 
-Lionel Andrades

Faculty Directory


Sister Mary Sarah Galbraith, O.P., M.Ed.
President of Aquinas College
(615) 297-7545 x423
Sister Mary Bendyna, O.P., Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President for Academics
Office of Academics
(615) 297-7545 x438

Sister Mary Cecilia Goodrum, O.P., M.Ed.
Vice President for Student Life
(615) 297-7545 x412

William C. Smart, Ph.D.Associate Provost and Interim Director of Institutional Research
Office of Academics
(615) 297-7545 x478
Sister Elizabeth Anne Allen, O.P., Ed.D.Director of the Center for Catholic EducationSchool of Education(615) 297-7545 x471
Sister Margaret Andrew Baker, O.P.Director of Secondary EducationInstructor, Secondary EducationSchool of Education(615) 297-7545 x472
Sister Mary RoseBingham, O.P.Director of CatecheticsOffice of Catechetics(615) 297-7545 x625
Richard H. Bulzacchelli, S.T.D.Associate Professor, TheologySchool of Arts & Sciences(615) 297-7545 x402
Kari L. Byard Assistant to the Vice President for AcademicsAdjunct, Information SystemsSchool of Arts & Sciences(615) 297-7545 x449
Sister Matthew Marie Cummings, O.P., Ed.D.Professor, EducationSchool of Education(615) 297-7545 x455

Same Catechism of the Catholic Church but different interpretations

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