Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Repost : Doug Lawrence's webblog is sectarian on Islam: also omits Catholic teaching on Vatican Council II

NOVEMBER 18, 2013

Doug Lawrence's webblog is sectarian on Islam: also omits Catholic teaching on Vatican Council II

On Doug Lawrence's webblog the link Info on Islam should have a report which says the Catholic Church teaches that Islam is not a path to salvation according to Vatican Council II, only, when an irrational premise is not used in the interpretation of the Council.When the premise is used there is confusion.
When an irrational premise is used then it contradictsextra ecclesia nulla salusand the Syllabus of Errors.There follows a hermeneutic of rupturewith past teachings of the Church.Without the irrational premise, Nostra Aetate 2, and Vatican Council II in general, is in agreement with St.John Damascene and the other saints.
Being able to see on earth those saved in Heaven( a false premise) creates a liberal interpretation of Islam and the other religions.
Doug Lawrence's webblog also comes across as sectarian on Islam. Since it only gives the Sunni version of Islam. It omits the Ahmediyyas and other sects understanding of their religion.
It also does not mention the persecution of Catholics and Muslims under the teachings of Mohammad and Islam.
Aisha Bibi is in a jail in Sunni territory when even Aga Khanis, Ahmediyyas and Bohris can be arrested for emphasizing in public certain aspects of their Muslim religion. They would be in jail according to the official teachings of Islam.
-Lionel Andrades

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