Thursday, June 14, 2018

Apparition theology at traditionalist conferences

The traditionalists are not affirming Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) which is in harmony with extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS-Feeneyite), they are not affirming Feeneyite baptism of desire(BOD),baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) which is in line with EENS( Feeneyite), they are also interpreting the Catechisms with rational and traditional Feeneyism, instead of their present Cushingite approach, and then they criticize Our Lady at Medugorje for not supporting Feeneyite EENS.
This summer they will have their 'fake conferences' based on Cushingite, liberal philosophy and theology and they want Our Lady at Medugorje  to affirm Feeneyite EENS, which the popes oppose and they do not affirm.
The traditionalists, theologically and doctrinally,reject Feeneyite EENS like the liberals.Since Archbishop Lefebvre  and Pope Pius XII did so.Now even when they know that invisible for us BOD, BOB and I.I cannot be a visible exception to EENS( Feeneyite) in 2018, they will not affirm EENS according to the Magisterium and missionarieds in the 16th century. Instead they will keep silent on this issue.They will continue to affirm EENS( Cushingite).For them, BOD,BOB and I.I will also be Cushingite for them.In this way they create a rupture with Tradition.
Image result for Our Lady at Medugorje photos
If Our Lady at Medugorje said hypothetical cases must be interpreted as being non hypothetical and actually real people in 2018, the traditionalists would object.Yet this is exactly how the traditionalists interpret Vatican Council II.
For them hypothetical and theoretical cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.So in other words they refer to known,non Catholics saved outside the Church. Only if they are visible non Catholics, can they be objective exceptions  to EENS( Feeneyite) in 2018 or over the years.Invisible people are not exceptions.
This will be the reasoning of the traditionalists  at the Lepanto Foundation conference in Rome on June 23 and the one which follows in a resort-city of Italy.
They seemingly have their own apparitions.For them  hypothetical people emerging in their cities as live people.They can see these 'ghosts' saved outside the Church. Or they have a glimpse into Heaven and see a few people there without the baptism of water and instead with the baptism of desire etc.
A visionary at a Marian apparition in Brazil was told by Our Lady that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and the visionary was approved by the bishop. The new bishop has silenced him.
At Medugorje Our Lady told Mirjana one of the visionaries, to read the book The Poem of the Man God by Maria Valtorta to know about her life as an infant and child.But this was too controversial for the Franciscans there. Valtorta was also Feeneyite on EENS.
The traditionalists are rejecting traditional theology and doctrine, like the Vatican and they are criticizing Our Lady at Medugorje, for being in step with 'the Church' - and so not having the apparitions shut down because of doctrine; doctrine which the traditionalists too are not affirming.-Lionel Andrades

JUNE 13, 2018

Fake conferences

JUNE 11, 2018

Speakers will re-cycle errors and tell us what we already know about them and their obsolete views, which are also those of the liberals and the ecclesiastics at the Vatican : Lepanto Foundation Conference in Rome

JUNE 12, 2018

Image result for Photo John Henry Weston at conference rome photo Lifesites

John Henry Weston will not answer. He is part of the corruption

JUNE 10, 2018
Image result for LifeSiteNews  Diane Montagna photo

Like Church Militant TV, LifeSites News would want to protect its financial interests as does the Lepanto Foundation : so it hides the truth about the Catholic Faith


JUNE 10, 2018

Image result for LifeSiteNews logo

Like Church Militant TV, LifeSites News would want to protect its financial interests as does the Lepanto Foundation : so it hides the truth about the Catholic Faith

DECEMBER 20, 2016

So it is easy to talk about the exceptions in Amoris Laeititia for the scholars and the cardinals but it seems impossible for them to see the same error in salvation theology- since that will hit the purse

MARCH 5, 2015

March for Life 2015 : double standards

 FEBRUARY 13, 2014

Future priests have to formally accept the teachings of the Second Vatican Council (the dead-saved are physically visible version)... or be kicked out - Lifesites on FFI confusion

MARCH 27, 2015

No donations to organisations that are pro- abortion but on the issue of salvation, dogmas , Vatican Council II they would welcome donations to LifeSites, whose editor dissents
JANUARY 23, 2015
  Soon Lifesites will interview Cardinal Burke and they will avoid the issue of salvation
Steve Jalsevac says there is a collapse of religious leadership : yet he projects the Catholic Church as teaching heresy which Lifesites approves
Church teaching which Steven Ertelt, Hilary White,John Henry Weston and others cannot proclaim through LifeNews/Life Sites : not good for business
March for Life : double standard of participants

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