Sunday, July 22, 2018

American students coming to Angelicum university amid coercion and deception at next semester : Catholic theology made illegal

Image result for Photos  University of St.Thomas Aquinas Rome
In October the new semester begins at the University of St.Thomas Aquinas(Angelicum),Rome and there will be many American students and seminarians who will study there in English.
They will attend the Ecclesiology class(understanding of Church with respect to salvation and other religions) and will be taught a lie. They will be deceived.The new teachings in the Church are obligatory for Catholics and being enforced by the Jewish Left.
It has the approval of B'nai Brith after a meeting with the Rector of the Urbaniana Pontifical University, Rome which was approved by Pope Benedict.
The deception in Catholic teaching is also being enforced  by rabbis Segno and Lara in Italy, who visited Vatican offices a few years back and warned them about mission. This was reported in the daily newspaper Avvenire, owned by the Bishops Conference in Italy. Today it has become a leftist newspaper.
There was the threat of the use of Anti-Semitism laws against Catholics , who support mission to the Jews and other non Catholics and who affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) as it was interpreted over the centuries.
So the American students who come here in September-October will  not be able to affirm the dogma EENS since this could be a felony or worse.It could be reported to the authorities by the rabbi, who teaches ecumenism at the Angelicum.He once called up the editor of the website Rorate Caeili, and objected to comments.The comments stated that there were objective errors in two theological papers of the International Theological Commission.The objective errors were used to discard and play down the dogma EENS.
So the American students will be taught by the professors M.Salvati and T.Stancati o.p and others that invisible cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) are visible exceptions to the dogma EENS. So the traditional interpretation of EENS is now made obsolete.
This is irrational. It is deception.But it is legal.
So professors at the Angelicum like Fr.Francesco Giordano  do not want to lose their teaching jobs or be suspended as priests.They will maintain the falsehood.He will interpret St. Thomas Aquinas as not affirming the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS.He will assume that references to being saved in invincible ignorance and the case of the catechumen are objective exceptions to EENS, as if this was the understanding of Aquinas.(See page 75 of the handbook of studies in Italian on the university website).
All this deception is obligatory, for professors and students,  since the Vatican is supporting the demands of the Jewish Anti Defamation League(ADL) and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.
The priest will be suspended if he says St.Thomas Aquinas supported the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS and for him invincible ignorance etc were not exceptions to EENS.
St.Thomas Aquinas is Anti Semitic for them. It is illegal to cite him on salvation.
This is discrimination against Catholics and it has been supported by the leftist Vice Rector St. Helen Aylford.There is a new Rector P. Michel Paluch.
Here there is the misuse of the Anti-Semitism laws to favour one religious community's interests and a culture which has always been hostile to the Catholic Church over the centuries.
So the American students will sit in class as M.Fuss introduces students to the world's great religions (See pg.87 on line).He will interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism. So with the irrational premise there will be a rupture with the dogma EENS.Other religions will not be false religions for him, as Cardinal Raymond Burke put it recently at the Voice of the Family conference in Rome.This is also how Professor T. Michelet will interpret Vatican Council II, when he teaches ecclesiology( See TE 2379 Faculty of Theology).
M.Fuss will also be teaching a Dialogical Theology of Religions using Fr.J.Dupuis' book Towards a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism according to the Handbook which can be read on line. Pope John Paul II censured that book and rejected a theology of religions.
But the theology of religions was supporte by Cardinal Ratzinger and the then Fr. Luiz Ladaria s.j in the International Theological Commission papers.
So the American students will sit in class as these professors approved by the Left will tell them at some time in the past there were Catholics who actually saw non Catholics in Heaven without faith and the baptism of water.The names of those Catholics who had this gift are not known.This has to be accepted like a dogmatic teaching.The liberal rabbis, who in public tell Catholics what to believe,enforce it.
Then the American students will be told objective cases mentioned in Lumen Gentium 8 and Lumen Gentium 16 etc  are examples of salvation outside the Church and so they contradict the traditional interpretation of the dogma EENS.There are no such cases!
But the lie has to be accepted and proclaimed if a student wants to continue to study at the Angelicum.
Anti Semitism is a vague law and the rabbis like Lara, decide how and when it will be implemented. People have lost their jobs and careers in Italy, it has been reported.
Theree are leftist anti discrimination laws in Italy which are there to protest non Catholics. I do not know if it could be applied to those who teach these lies at the Angelicum.They discriminate against Catholics. They tell them falsehoods and pretend that this is the Catholic teaching when they are really protecting their job and personal interests.
Over the years I have noticed that the priests and professors, and chaplains, do not want to talk about this subject. They react with open fear.
But what the priests and professors  will teach the American students from October 2018 is unethical and deceiving.It is not the teaching of the Catholic Church.
Doctrine has been changed in an official compromise. Every one is afraid of the Anti-Semitism laws.
Today the Catholic students and professors have to say that Vatican Council II contradicts the traditional interpretation of EENS  and tomorrow they will have to say that homosexual marriages are approved by the Church.
Vatican Council II does not contradict the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church.Invisible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I are not visible exceptions to EENS as it was known to the Jesuit missionaries in the 16th century.
The Catholic Church does not say that it knows of people who are saved, as non Catholics in heaven, with BOD, BOB and I.I and without the baptism of water.
Vatican Council II indicates all Jews, and other non Catholics, are on the way to Hell without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7). Vatican Council II does not say that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to objective examples of salvation outside the Church. This has to be wrongly inferred.The wrong inference is made by the professors at the Angelicum and they are supported by the Vatican and the Jewish Left, ADL etc.
According to Italian law to tell a lie in certain cases is a crime. The professors  will be teaching a lie on Catholic teaching even after being informed.
The Rector and Dominican professors at the Angelicum will be promoting this lie among Catholics  to protect their personal interests, like a reputation as a liberal, teaching career etc.
Also the threat of the use of the Anti-Semitism law to promote deception, is coercion.It does not permit freedom of expression.It is opposes freedom of religion in Italy.
It is false when it is said that the Church condemned Fr. Leonard Feeney for holding the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS.BOD etc never were exceptions to EENS.This is leftist propaganda. When the political excommunication of Fr. Leonard Feeney was lifted he did not recant.Neither did he that there were visible to him cases of BOD, BOB and I.I.
Similarly it is false to say that the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) is in schism since they do not accept Vatican Council II  with Lumen Gentium 8 etc, as referring to non Catholics, saved outside the Church.So EENS and the Syllabus of Errors, it is concluded, are obsolete.
There are no such known people! Yet this is inferred at the Angelicum.
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre  was correct.Vatican Council II with LG 8, LG 16 etc interpreted as referring to objective exceptions to the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church, is irrational and heretical.So he rejected it.His excommunication was political and supported by the Left and the same ecclesiastics who are teaching today all this irrationality, non traditional doctrines and lies at the Angelicum and other pontifical universities in Rome.

It is coercion when the Rector and priests at the Angelicum cannot tell the Jewish Left rabbis that they are oriented to Hell according to Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) and EENS ( Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441) , since the rabbis could impose a big fine on the Domincans,put the Rector in jail and ask the Dominicans and the Vatican to suspend  and excommunicate him.
Edward Pentin and other journalists are afraid to comment on this subject.He once mentioned EENS in an interview with Cardinal Muller and Archbishop Augustine di Noia and seems to have received a caution.
It is in this coercive scenario that the American students will be coming to Rome to study  at the Angelicum  and other pontifical universities where holding certain theological views and Catholic doctrines is illegal.-Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 19, 2009


 DECEMBER 19, 2009


DECEMBER 13, 2009

SEPTEMBER 14, 2015    Urbaniana Pontifical University also changes ecclesiology using the irrational premise and inference in the interpretation of Lumen Gentium,Vatican Council II

FEBRUARY 8, 2014
Intolerant rabbi still allowed to speak at the Gregorian University
MAY 31, 2011

JANUARY 13, 2010


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