Sunday, September 23, 2018

Cardinal Angelo de Donatis, Vicar General will meet Catholic religious in Rome Central tomorrow to make priests and nuns, into a pasdaran-like force to implement Leftist values

Image result for Photo of Cardinal Angelo De Donatis Rome central
Cardinal Angelo de Donatis, Vicar General in Rome will   meet Catholic religious  in Rome Central tomorrow, to make priests and nuns, into a pasdaran-like force to implement Leftist values.
No Catholic in Rome will be able to say Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism for salvation and so all non Catholics in the city , are on the way to Hell at the time of death,unless, they leave their religion and enter the remain in the Catholic Church.
The thought-police in Rome composed of mostly Muslims, will not allow this and now they have got the cooperation of religious communities, like the Minim Fathers founded by St. Francis of Paola in Italy.These priests, along with other religious communities, priests and nuns, will be enforcing these restrictions on Catholics.Restrictions on expressing the Catholic Faith and restrictions on religious freedom.
They will be enforcing the leftist laws which are pro-Satan, along with the local police.
Of course, they are all doing it for 'peace in society'. What if Jesus lied before Herod or choose not be Crucified,only to keep the peace in Jerusalem ? I ask myself.
Cardinal Angelo, was already 'keeping the peace' in Rome when I knew him as the Spiritual Director of the Neo Catechumenal Way,at the Basilica of San Marco, at Piazza Venezia, Rome.He was the priest-Rector.So they made him a  bishop  and now Pope Francis like the Masons, who do not want 'triumphalism', has made him a cardinal.
Like the pasdaran enforces  the religious values of the Iranian revolution, priests and nuns in central Rome  will have to affirm Satanic values, denying Catholic exclusive salvation and not talking about Hell, mortal sin,homosexuality...and make sure that others do not do the same.Those who do so are to be reported.
They have already been denying they Faith, with their silence, at the Basilica of San Andrea Della Fratte for 20 years or more. A whole generation of Catholics in central Rome have grown up not knowing the Catholic Faith.There is no organized call to mission or conversion into the Catholic Church based upon Vatican Council II.
Now one third of the 'congregation' at Mass at San Andrea della Fratte, Rome and other churches in central Rome,often  are Muslims. They are there officially as part of the police intelligence.Others represent Muslim youth cells in the city, who enforce Islamic law here, with threats of violence.Some of them work for Catholic organizations in the city, like Caritas.
They are educated and militant Muslims, many of them Italian citizens, second and third generation Pakistanis and Afghanis.
They will not accept secular values but they will insist Catholics  affirm leftist values and reject Catholic teachings which indicate all Muslims are oriented to Hell ( Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II etc).Now they will be officially supported by the Vicariate in Rome.
Our Lady, told Fr. Stefano Gobbi,of the Marian Movement of Priests, that a time will come when Catholics who are faithful to the Faith, will be handed over to the authorities. Those who have them arrested will believe that they are doing this for God and for peace.
-Lionel Andrades 

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