Sunday, September 23, 2018

Chicago Priest Who Burned Gay Flag Flees After Archdiocese Threatens Forcible Removal

Chicago Priest Who Burned Gay Flag Flees After Archdiocese Threatens Forcible Removal

Kalchik left with his brother who was visiting him.  At least we know he is safe for now.  The other day two representatives, Father Jeremy Thomas and Msgr Dennis Lyle (the latter played a role in ousting Fr Frank Phillips, the faithful pastor of St John Cantius) told Kalchik not only to vacate, but to "commit himself to psychiatric confinement".  In other words, he was to submit to brainwashing.

Mahound's Paradise gives us more history behind the gay flag and how it stemmed from the perversions of the previous pastor, who was a flaming gay.  Be warned, some of that history is rather gruesome.

I now link to Resurrection's bulletin for this weekend.  Therein Father Kalchik gave his account of the flag-burning.  I downloaded it and suggest you do the same, for the archdiocese will undoubtedly take it offline.

PLEASE TAKE ACTION - If anyone contents themselves with prayer but refuses to take action, such prayer is useless.  Call Cupich's office (again, for some) at 1-312-534-8200 and rebuke him for his ouster of Kalchik and his demand that Kalchik submit to draconian brainwashing.  Call that same number, search for Bartosic's and Lyle's names and offer them some stern rebukes.  You may have to leave voicemails, but that's ok.  Leave messages on Resurrection's site.  Those of you in the Chicago archdiocese should announce immediately your financial boycotts until Cupich apologizes to Kalchik (and Father Phillips, for that matter) and cleans up his act.

Chicago Priest Who Burned Gay Flag Flees After Archdiocese Threatens Forcible Removal - OnePeterFiv…

Just hours ago, new Chicago Auxiliary Bishop Mark Bartosic arrived unannounced at Resurrection Parish on Chicago’s Northwest side and told Pastor …

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