Tuesday, September 18, 2018

EU trying to force same-sex ‘marriage,’ Muslim migration onto Hungary

BUDAPEST, Hungary, September 17, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – The European Union is threatening sanctions against the largely-Christian nation of Hungary to force it to fall in line with liberal beliefs, including the supposed legitimacy of same-sex “marriage” and fictional right of Muslim migrants to walk into any country they wish.
“The European Commission is using the tools we have, launching infringement procedures against countries that don't respect EU law.” I “am in harmony with today's decision,” Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, reportedly said.
It's an unprecedented move.
The 28-state political and economic union’s parliament has never voted to slap sanctions like this on any of its member states until now.
Two-thirds of the Members of the European Parliament have already backed the censure motion.
In the European Parliament, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán called the threat of sanctions “blackmail.”
“We will not support immigration and migrants against the better judgement of our nation,” said Orbán. “Regardless of your decision, Hungary will not succumb to blackmail.”
It's now up to the national leaders of each country to either give the thumbs up or thumbs down to those sanctions.
Poland's foreign ministry has already vowed to stand by Hungary's side.
“Poland will vote against any sanctions on Hungary in the forum of European institutions,” Poland's foreign ministry indicated in a statement. “Every [European Union (EU)] member state has the sovereign right to implement internal reforms that it considers to be right.”
Pro-Brexit politician Nigel Farage has criticized the European Parliament in a tweetsaying that with its latest move “the authoritarian grip of the EU gets even tighter.” In the European Parliament, he invited Hungary to “come join the Brexit club.”
The EU’s allegations against Hungary run the gamut from stated concern for the independence of the judiciary and rights of judges, through to worries about its constitutional and electoral system, corruption and conflicts of interest, privacy and data protection, freedom of expression, and academic and religious freedom. The report presented to the European Parliament also noted concerns over the right to equal treatment, minority rights, and economic and social rights.
It’s a long list of supposed transgressions by Hungary and it includes concerns over what the EU calls “the fundamental rights of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.”
That, says Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, is the crux of the matter. He called the EU’s sanctions the “petty revenge” of “pro-immigration” politicians.
Fighting back against the waves of primarily Muslim migrants swarming into Europe, Hungary has taken measures to stop illegal immigration and preserve its Christian heritage and culture.
In February this year, Orbán said in his state of the nation speech that Christianity is Europe’s last hope. He has also warned that European nations which have encouraged migration have “opened the way to the decline of Christian culture and the advance of Islam.”
In the report to the European Parliament, Hungary is lambasted as having passed laws with the potential to “deprive people who are forced to flee their homes of critical aid and services, and further inflame tense public discourse and rising xenophobic attitudes.” Those laws make it a crime for Hungarians to provide aid to illegal migrants.
But the EU is doing more than just criticizing Hungary’s immigration policy. The economic and political union is also throwing its weight behind the homosexual agenda. The report to the European Parliament mentions LGBT six times.
It criticizes Hungary’s definition of a family as consisting of a mother and father, calling that “outdated” and noting that “same-sex marriage is banned.” The report then infers this is somehow tied to a perceived bigotry towards homosexuals in Hungary.
A socially-conservative stronghold in Europe, Hungary also recognizes that pre-born babies have rights.
This is despite the outside influence of wealthy globalists like George Soros, an 88-year-old multi-billionaire who has funded more than 60 non-governmental organizations in Hungary alone. The multi-billionaire has sought to impose his pro-abortion, pro-gay agenda on not just Hungary but Europe, the United States, and nations across the globe.  
In 2016, leaked documents from Soros-funded organizations exposed his goal of eliminating pro-life laws around the world.

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