Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Thought police in Rome have increased work-load

Image result for Photos of Basilica of Sant'andrea delle Fratte
What the Jewish Left rabbis and lobbies ( ADL/ B'nai Brith etc) in Rome are dead-scared of is that Catholics will affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) in harmony with Vatican Council II interpreted without the false premise( physically invisible non Catholics are visible) and inference ( these 'visible cases'  are examples of known salvation outside the Church and objective exceptions to traditional EENS.So all do not need to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation).
They have members of the local police ( intelligence), mostly Muslims, planted at the churches where they have Holy Mass in Italian.The priest is not allowed to affirm Vatican Council II( AG 7) which says all need faith and baptism for salvation ( to avoid Hell).
Image result for Photos of Alphonse Ratisbonne at Basilica of Sant'andrea delle FratteImage result for Photos of Alphonse Ratisbonne at Basilica of Sant'andrea delle Fratte
Probably he cannot also say that homosexuality is a mortal sin.
With Feeneyite EENS in harmony with Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite and not Cushingite), Catholics are back to the past exclusvist ecclesiology of the Church, the old ecumenism.There is only  traditional Mission with outside the Church there is no salvation. The baptism of desire etc is accepted but only as being hypothetical and speculative and so not relevant to EENS as exceptions. Upon this old theology was based the Proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation and the non separation of Church and State. So the thought-police have a new problem in Rome.
Image result for Photos of Alphonse Ratisbonne at Basilica of Sant'andrea delle FratteImage result for Photos of Alphonse Ratisbonne at Basilica of Sant'andrea delle Fratte
Now it is common to see Muslims at Mass in Rome's churches. They are there officially representing some group or organization.They receive the Eucharist sacrilegiously.They  think we Catholics like it when they go forward to receive the Eucharist.
They watch me and I have the satisfaction of knowing that at least they know that I believe that they are all going to Hell with no knowable exception. Others in the congregation, among the Catholics there, may not express the same 'sentiments'.
But the Muslims probably think of me as a 'traditionalist' like those at the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) chapel in Rome near the Cavour Metro Station, who are also monitored by them every Sunday.There are different monitoring groups allotted for different areas and cover different churches.Over time they become familiar.You see the same faces. Similarly they have a large work-force to discreetly follow or stalk someone but over time, over a few years, the faces become familiar.
Image result for Photos of Alphonse Ratisbonne at Basilica of Sant'andrea delle FratteImage result for Photos of Alphonse Ratisbonne at Basilica of Sant'andrea delle Fratte
The local police is used to protect leftist values in Italy.
But I am different from the SSPX, I tell myself, even though I am an SSPX  sympathizer.
I affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) in harmony with the past ecclesiology while they, the SSPX members, say outside the Church there is no salvation and they also say non Catholics can be saved outside the Church with the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and in invincible ignorance, as if there are known exceptions for them, in Italy.
Then they attend the Old Mass with the New Theology based upon visible for them cases of BOD, BOB and I.I. This is a rupture with the theology of the Mass in the 16th century.While I instead attend Mass in Italian with the Old Theology, the old ecclesiology .So they attend the Old Mass with the  New Theology, the new ecclesiology and I attend what they call the New Mass, with the old theology and ecclesiology.
So I am a different kind of traditionalist.😄
The SSPX always interprets BOD, BOB and I.I as referring to physically visible non Catholics and so they become objective exceptions to EENS. Not for me.I avoid this irrationality.
So the Catechism of Pope Pius X would contradict itself for them -but not for me.When this Catechism mentions all needing to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation, then invincible ignorance,  is an exception, a contradiction. But not for me since invincible ignorance refers to a physically invisible case for me.
So since I hold the traditional concept of salvation, affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and reject Vatican Council II (Cushingite) and attend the Novus Ordo Mass, the thought-police in Rome have to extend their work to also churches and chapels, where the Traditional Latin Mass is not offered.
-Lionel Andrades

Photos from the Basilica of  Sant Andrea della Fratte Rome, where  the Jewish financier Alphonse Ratisbonne had a vision of Our Lady and saw the beauty and importance of the Catholic Church for the salvation of all people. He became a Catholic priest, like his brother Theodore, and founded a missionary Catholic community which upheld the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.St.Mximillian Kolbe offered his first Mass at the Altar of the Miracle at this Basilica, near Piazza Spagna/Trevi Fountain, Rome.

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