Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Last Flag of the Papal States Returns to the Vatican -- Saved in 1870

(Rome/Vatican) After 144 years the Papal flag, which flew from the city door of the Porta Pia, will return again to the Vatican. The flag was flown from the Aurelian city wall of Rome till the 20th September 1870, as a continuation of a thousand years came to an end, when Italian troops attacked the Church State.

The flag comes with an especially symbolic character for the troops of the Kingdom of Savoy charged the city walls seeking to breach and break through the Pia Porta, built by Michelangelo in the 16th Century.

The Papal flag on the battlement did not fall into the hands of the attackers. They were saved by Prince Ruslpoli. The Troops of the Kingdom of Italy succeeded in their successful incursion through the garden in the Villa of Napoleon Karl Bonaparte, a Grand Nephew of Napoleon I, and Christina Ruspoli. In the garden of the villa was the site of the last defensive battle in the siege at which 19 Papal Zouaves fell. The flag, perforated by numerous bullet holes, was brought to safety by Princess Cristina and since then guarded by the Ruspoli family.


JULY 17, 2017
Catholic political parties must teach Catholics the faith which is not being taught by religious due to political pressure

What if the pope or Bishop Fellay called for a day to celebrate and discuss the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation ?

Even Vatican II says every one on the face of the earth is called to become a member of the Mystical Body ( the Catholic Church)- Fr.Paul McDonald , Fatima Centerhttp://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2018/04/even-vatican-ii-says-every-one-on-face.html

MAY 22, 2018
Repost : Catholic political party needed in England

A Catholic political party is needed to oppose Satan and leftist fascism and extremism  http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2018/04/a-catholic-political-party-is-needed-to.html

AUGUST 17, 2017

Bishops Fellay, Schneider are not proclaiming the Social Reign of Christ the King supported by Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2017/08/bishops-fellay-schneider-are-not.html

MARCH 12, 2018

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