Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Separation of Satanic secularism and State needed : with Garibaldi's victory over 1,00,000 Italians are killed every year through abortion

JUNE 1, 2018

So the teaching on the Social Reign of Christ the King is very much alive today when Vatican Council II is interpreted with Feeneyism as a philosophy and theology


JUNE 2, 2018

We tell people that if they do not have their names on the Parish Baptismal Register if they do not go for RCIA they are going to Hell. Yes. This is precisely what we tell them


JUNE 2, 2018

Jesus is the King of the Universe and this must be expressed at all levels of society


JUNE 4, 2018

Catholic theocracy- Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (Feeneyite) essential


JUNE 4, 2018

Vatican Council II is Feeneyite -Apologetics

 JUNE 4, 2018

Cardinal Raymond Burke says other religions are false religions while Pope Francis says Orthodox Christians do not need to convert into the Catholic Church. Some time back he said the same for Protestants

JUNE 4, 2018

Cardinal Burke and Pope Francis show us that there can be two interpretations of Vatican Council II : one is a continuity with EENS and the other is a rupture


UNE 7, 2018

Cardinal Raymond Burke must encourage Catholics to vote for political parties who seek the non separation of the Catholic Church and State and the separation of Satanic secularism and State


-Lionel Andrades

MAY 22, 2018

Repost : "There are no physically visible cases of the BOD,BOB and I.I in 2018" nor " LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, NA 2, UR 3, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II refer to only hypothetical cases " so Vatican Council II does not contradict the Syllabus of Errors (Graphics)


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