Saturday, September 1, 2018

Repost - Extra ecclesiam nulla salus defined three times is denied by Pope Francis, the Vatican Curia and Jesuits among others.This is first class heresy and a mortal sin

OCTOBER 5, 2014

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus defined three times is denied by Pope Francis, the Vatican Curia and Jesuits among others.This is first class heresy and a mortal sin

Michael Brown, Spirit Daily
Like Pontiffs before him the Pope recently emphasized that we must respect other
 religions (including Islam) and that if they posit one God they are basically, if not 
always perfectly, seeking to tap into the same source. We must find common.
 The pope does not affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
He interprets Vatican Council II with an irrational premise. He has
 never cited Ad Gentes 7 in Vatican Council II which says all need
 faith and baptism for salvation.
He accepts an irrational premise in the Letter of the Holy Office 
1949 which results in a chanage in the traditional teaching of the 
Catholic Church on other religions and Christian communities.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is not allowing
 the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the Society of St.Pius X 
to interpret Vatican Council without implying that salvation in 
Heaven is visible to us on earth and these 'ghosts' are explicit 
exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Michael Brown,Spirit Daily
John Paul II once created an uproar by declaring that salvation is possible 
for Christians in other  denominations.

If someone is saved in another religion it is not an exception to
 the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Since this case would
 not be known in the present times. The Letter of the Holy
 Office  1949 made an objective  mistake when it inferred that
 these  cases are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla 
salus.In other words they are explicit for us in the present times. 
This factual error is incorporated in Vatican Council II (LG 14 etc),
 the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1257-160) and other 
magisterial documents.

Michael Brown,Spirit Daily
It was a fore-echoing of Pope Francis.
Venezuelan mystic Maria Esperanza, whose cause for sainthood is moving 
forward, once said:

"I don't deny anyone his own faith. I respect the faith of all people because
 you just follow what your parents teach you.
 I think we all go to the same source, but through different fountains. And so,
 why do we all fight against  each other?"

If we all go to the same source why did Jesus have to die,
 why did he ask for the baptism of water for all ?

Michael Brown,Spirit Daily

It was a fore-echoing of Pope Francis.

The the pope has never said that according to Vatican
 Council II (AG 7) the  majority of people are oriented
 to Hell since they do  not have 'faith and baptism' 
necssary for salvation. Pope Francis has rejected the
 faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church, in

Michael Brown,Spirit Daily
In turn, Esperanza hearkened to the Blessed Virgin of Medjugorje, where Mary 
said (October 1, 1981), "Members of all faiths are equal before God. God rules 
over each faith just like a sovereign over his kingdom. In the world, all religions 
are not the same because all people have not complied with the commandments
 of God. They reject and disparage them."
This would be  rejection of the de fide teachings on the 
necessity of the baptism of water for salvation for  all.
This is if she said this and meant it as such.

Michael Brown,Spirit Daily

The Blessed Mother had caused a minor uproar in the early 1980s when
 asked who the holiest woman in  the area was, for she allegedly told a visionary 
(Mirjana Dragicevic Soldo, in Sarajevo at the time) that  the answer was a local
 Muslim woman.
I personally asked Fr.Slavko Barbaric OFM this question.He 
was the Spiritual  Director of the visionaries. 
He denied that Our Lady had said this to any of the 

Michael Brown,Spirit Daily

Looking for the good in others -- such as devout Muslims -- does not mean
 ignoring basic  issues with a religion. Yes, a Muslim may be holy, in a religion
 that is obviously flawed. We are to love everyone and respect everyone

The Catholic Church has taught, before and after Vatican
 Council  II that the  Muslim religion is not a path to salvation
 and that Muslims  are oriented to  Hell without 'faith and 
baptism'(AG 7).

According to Vatican Council II billions of
 people are on the way to Hell since they  die without Catholic 
 Faith and the baptism of water.This is also the teaching of the 
dogma defined three times on extra ecclesiam nulla  salus which
 Pope Francis, the Vatican Curia and the Jesuits among  others 
do not affirm. This is a  first class heresy  since it changes the
Nicene Creed. It is a rejection of the Creed.This is a mortal sin.

Tolerance of other religions does not mean lying down and taking Muslim persecution and brutality

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