Monday, October 15, 2018

Repost : Another course offered at the Teresianum supported with the Marchetti Theory

FEBRUARY 6, 2015

Another course offered at the Teresianum supported with the Marchetti Theory

Father Aniano Alvarez Suarez is a Carmelite,who teaches a course Ecclesiology and Ecumenism, at the Pontifical University Teresianum in Rome and due to  the error of Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani which the Church has approved, he does not say that non Catholics need to enter the Church to avoid Hell.According to the Teresianum handbook (2014 p.84) the aim of the course is to present the mystery of the Church recalling anew, the essentials of Catholic ecclesiology seen through Lumen Gentium,Vatican Councl II.Here they mean that they will use the Marchetti Theory to present Lumen Gentium 8,14,16 etc as a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and so with ecclesiology in general.With the Marchetti inference the Church has a new understanding of itself.
The handbook says there will be a re-evaluation of ecclesiology by considering anew Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium. They mean that there will be a break with Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium since now LG 8,LG 14,LG 16 will refer to persons in Heaven who are personally known to us in 2014-2015 for them to be exceptions to the dogma on salvation.They are exceptions to traditional ecclesiology and  contradict past teachings.
This was all made possible for the Teresianum not through Vatican Council II but the Marchetti inference which is used to interpret Vatican Council.
In this course (TP 1210) it will not be taught that Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes  7) itself says all non Catholics need to enter the Church with 'faith and baptism' for salvation.Since for Aniano Suarez and the Theology Faculty there was 'a breakthrough in Catholic theology' with the Marchetti inference.
During the course there will be a reflection on the dialogue of the Catholic Church with other Christian confessions the handbooks says.Students will be presented with the principal 'doctrines' of Catholic ecumenism it is stated.
The Faculty of Theology also presents another course this semester which recommends Jacques Dupuis, Von Baltazar, John Hick, Paul Knitter, Francis Sullivan and Hans Kung, all who reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and who support this rejection citing the Marchetti theory.1
-Lionel Andrades
February 4, 2015
Faculty of Theology,Teresianum University, Rome accepts the Marchetti error : promotes Jacques Dupuis,Von Baltazar, Hick, Knitter,Sullivan and Hans Kung

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