Monday, October 15, 2018

Repost : The dogma says all need to convert for salvation. How can we presume that any one is an exception ?

FEBRUARY 23, 2015

The dogma says all need to convert for salvation. How can we presume that any one is an exception ?

Baptism of Blood, Baptism of Desire and Invincible Ignorance are completely irrelevant to The Church Millitant who do possess the truth and are commanded to teach the truth.
I agree with you when you say that the baptism of desire and blood are not exceptions to the dogma they are irrelevant.So we proclaim the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus , knowing there are no exceptions and there cannot be any exception for us human beings.
How do you reconcile this with the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1257) saying 'God is not limited to the Sacraments'? This still is the issue in our discussions.
For me it is clear that Cardinal Ratzinger like Cardinal Marchetti did not know of any one who is saved outside the Church. So there cannot be any exception to the Catechism of the Catholic Church 1257 also saying the Church knows of no means to eternal beatitude other than the baptism of water.
 Since Cardinal Marchetti in 1949 assumed that the baptism of desire etc were known to us in personal cases and these persons were saved without the baptism of water, he concluded that there was salvation outside the Church.He did not know of any exception to the dogmatic teaching but inferred there was an exception.This was his mistake.The deceased cannot be exceptions.
So Lumen Gentium  14 and Ad Gentes  7, Vatican Council II  says only those who know need to enter the Church. This statement comes from the Marchetti Inference. It was an irrationality in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949, which he issued. Since the deceased who now in Heaven, cannot be exceptions to the dogma.We cannot name any one in 2015 who is in Heaven without the baptism of water and Catholic Faith.

If you were simply to post: ENTER, RETURN and STAY as your Battle Cry, everything else gets addressed.

If any Catholic tells you, me or anyone that we cannot or must not teach that all must enter, return or stay in the Catholic Church and be baptized with water in order to be saved they are in great need of proper Church catechesis or in very serious sin.
They are also possibily confused with the mistake made in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.

We the Church Millitant are commanded and completely embrace the truth that all Catholics must teach to ALL that that they must enter, stay or return to the Catholic Church and that they must have Baptism by water in order to be saved.
 Even if we presumed God forbid, that someone, anyone will be saved by Baptism of Desire, Baptism of Blood or Invincible Ignorance
Here we go again...Why must we presume this? How can we presume something only known to Jesus. The dogma says all need to convert for salvation. How can we presume that any one is an exception ?
we must tell them, along with all Catholics and non Catholics that they must join the Catholic Church and have baptism by water in order to be saved for that is what Jesus commanded us to do.
-Lionel Andrades

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