Saturday, November 3, 2018

Heretics like this, who do not believe one bit in the necessity of Jesus Christ or the Catholic faith, are major proponents of “baptism of desire” and the “excommunication” of Fr. Feeney. That’s quite revealing about the forces behind those two ideas

Image result for Photo Fr.Leonard Feeney

Feeneyism and Feeneyites

Feeneyism is the doctrinal position held by Feeneyites (and true Catholics) associated with Leonard Feeney (1897–1978), a Jesuit priest and founder of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who advocated a strict (and correct) Catholic interpretation of the doctrine extra Ecclesiam nulla salus ("outside the Church there is no salvation").
Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, The Athanasian Creed, Sess. 8, Nov. 22, 1439: “But it is necessary for eternal salvation that he faithfully believe also in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ... the Son of God is God and man... This is the Catholic faith; unless each one believes this faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved.”
Fr. Leonard Feeney was officially “excommunicated” in 1953 by “The Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office” under Pope Pius XII for refusing to submit to ecclesiastical authority, but his supporters claim that the excommunication was invalid because the correct procedure was not followed and the reason for excommunicating him was not in accordance to divine Catholic faith or justice. He was reconciled to the Vatican II Church before his death, but was allegedly not required to retract his position on the doctrine in question, which is inscribed on his tombstone.
Pope Pius XII who allowed the persecution and subsequent excommunication of Father Leonard Feeney was by no means a staunch traditionalist. His reforms, omissions and failures paved the way for Vatican II. Just a few things that Pius XII did are:
- He promoted Annibale Bugnini, the author of the New Mass, and began the liturgical reform with his allowance of reforms in the Holy Week Rites.
- He promoted men like Giovanni Montini (later Paul VI) and Angelo Roncalli (later John XXIII), without which promotions these men could never have had the influence or caused the immeasurable destruction that they did.
- He taught that birth control could be used by couples by means of the rhythm method (or Natural Family Planning), which is a frustration and a subordination of the primary purpose of the marriage act – procreation.
- He allowed the persecution and subsequent excommunication of Father Leonard Feeney, whether through willful complicity, ignorance or neglect, for doing what every Catholic priest should do: preach the Gospel, defend the faith and adhere to defined dogma.
The Catholicism Answer Book [Vatican II publication], Page 93: “A famous declared excommunication took place in 1953 when the Vatican punished a Boston priest, Father Leonard Feeney, for his refusal to recant a distorted teaching on the principle of extra ecclesia nulla salus (outside the church there is no salvation). He erroneously and publicly maintained that only Catholic Christians could go to heaven and Protestants would go to hell unless they converted to Catholicism.”
This really shows the ignorance of these men. When Father Feeney was “excommunicated,” absolutely nothing was stated that the “excommunication” was for a belief he held. But that doesn’t matter to apostates like these men, because they are evil. It’s also interesting to note that heretics like this, who do not believe one bit in the necessity of Jesus Christ or the Catholic faith, are major proponents of “baptism of desire” and the “excommunication” of Fr. Feeney. That’s quite revealing about the forces behind those two ideas.

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