Friday, November 2, 2018


Image result for Photo Matteo Salvini
Matteo Salvini has divorced and re-married. He is outside the Church. He will be going to Hell.I don't know if after Amoris Laetitia  he is allowed to receive the Eucharist.Though Lorenzo Fontana seems still a Catholic.Italy does not have a Catholic leader.Sergio Matarella supports abortion and the Muslim immigration invasion.He supports Satan and the Left and allows gay marriages and other Satanic things.He supports the separation of Church and State.

There is no one in Italian politics who is known to be inspired by his or her Faith.The liberal version of Catholicism is not the Faith.The traditionalists too have got it wrong on Vatican Council II and hold the liberal version.
There is no one in the Lega, or even Forza Nuova or Militia Christi, who does not interpret Vatican Council II like the liberals.For all of them the Council is a break with the past.

None of them will interpret the Council without the false premise and inference.It's the same with the two popes and all the cardinals and bishops here.
For all of them outside the Catholic Church there is salvation.
Speculative possibilities of someone being saved outside the Church are real persons for them.
Hopeful thoughts of a relative or friend being in Heaven,is a real person for them.
So outside the Church there are many saved, since this is what they want to believe.

But the Church has also taught, even in the text of Vatican Council II, that outside of membership in Jesus' Mystical Body, the Church,there is no going to Heaven.
The norm for salvation is 'faith and baptism'(AG 7).
The ordinary means of salvation is Catholic faith and the baptism of water.
The only way to be saved is to be a practising Catholic.
Salvini is not one.

Salvini needs to convert. He needs to be sorry for his sins and change his life style.
He has to be a practising Catholic and then the people can trust him.
He must be clear on outside the Church there is no salvation.
Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism for salvation.All. The word 'all' us used in the text of Ad Gentes 7. It includes those who know about the faith and those who do not, those who have had the Gospel preached to them and those who haven't.

It means Orthodox Christians, Pentecostals and Protestants are outside the Church.

This is the understanding of the Catholic faith which the Italian politicians need.
Instead they interpret Vatican Council II like the Masons and liberals.They do not believe that all need to be members of the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.They do not believe that the Catholic Church is the only path to Heaven. They are just as bad as popes Benedict and Francis, who are following the Left.
It is when the Italian politicians see Vatican Council II as a continuation of the old dogma on exclusive salvation, then there will be a new depth in their politics,which would become a ministry, an apostolate.
Without an understanding of the Catholic Faith being unique and the only road to Heaven, they are swayed easily by Satan.

They must know that there is no change in the teachings of the Catholic Church after  Vatican Council II.They must understand that Satan knows this and discerning Leftists also know this.
Vatican Council II has no where said that there is known salvation outside the Church.Check and re-check.Even Lumen Gentium 14 which carries a mistake from the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office relative to Fr. Leonard Feeney,does not state that we personally know people saved in invincible ignorance outside the Catholic Church.Practically how can we see someone saved outside the Church ?.This is common sense.It is something obvious which the Catholic politicians in Italy must understand.
So when the Left bring their politics into the Catholic Church, they have to assume that outside the Church there are practical examples of salvation.This is their ruse .They have no other choice. There is no other theological way of creating a rupture with the past in the Catholic Church.
This is a very important point.
The Left have to pretend that possibilities of salvation outside the Church are real people, real examples of outside the Church there being salvation.
So Vatican Council II becomes a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, with this trick.
Vatican Council II becomes ' a revolution', 'a reformation' of the Church, as the mainstream media claims.
So if outside the Church there is salvation which is known to us humans, then the Church was wrong all these centuries.Every one does not need to be a Catholic to go to Heaven.This is the reasoning of the Left, today.
One does not have to follow the traditional concepts of salvation since all this would be changed with Vatican Council II.But this is a ruse of the Left which is unknown to Salvini and the Italian politicians.
It is only by claiming that outside the Church there is known salvation, that Satan can bring his leftist values into politics and the Church.
Salvini, the Lega and other Catholic political parties need to affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II and block Satan and the Left on this point.

Presently Salvini is following the Left in their interpretation of the Catholic Faith.His concept of the Church, salvation,mission, inter-religious dialogue, ecumenism, non separation of Church and State, Jesus being the centre of all political legislation and the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King etc, are leftist.
The popes since Pius XII have followed the Left in the interpretation of the no salvation outside the Church.
Salvini and the Lega need to understand this  and then ask the Vatican to make the change.
Tell the Vatican Secretary of State to allow Italy, Hungary, Poland and Austria,at least to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise and inference.
-Lionel Andrades

Inline image

NOVEMBER 1, 2018

Austrian government must correct Card, Schonborn's deception : clarification from Parolin needed

 OCTOBER 31, 2018

Church will ask young Catholics in Austria to implement Leftist-Satanist values : Synod of Youth conclusion

Hungarian Parliament must note that the divisive Synod on the Youth was Leftist and supported Soros' policies

OCTOBER 29, 2018

 The Banner of Beatification for Blessed Karl of Austria, Saint Peter's Basilica

October in Austria


JULY 17, 2017
Catholic political parties must teach Catholics the faith which is not being taught by religious due to political pressure
 MAY 3, 2017
Image result for Name of the President of PolandAndrzej Duda President of Poland does not note the split between Church doctrine and State in Poland because of Cushingism
DECEMBER 19, 2016
Catholics will not vote for the Catholic political parties :The four cardinals are using an irrational philosophy to reject the traditional ecclesiology and interpret Vatican Council II with the same irrationality
 OCTOBER 30, 2016

Image result for Photo of the Social Reign of Christ the King
With Feeneyite Vatican Council II the Catholic Church affirms the Social Reign of Christ the King.
NOVEMBER 25, 2014
The Council’s words are strong and forthright here, implicitly asserting the sovereignty of Christ over all nations, but we now seldom hear them quoted 

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