Friday, March 29, 2019

Franciscan and sedevacantist communities could inform Bishop Peter Libasci that there are no exceptions to Feeneyite EENS mentioned in Vatican Council II.He supports a lie and slander

Image result for Bishop Donald Sanborn photos
Like the Franciscan on the video Is there Salvation outside the Church,1 Bishop Donald Sanborn,founder and Rector of the Most Holy Family Seminary, Florida, USA, 2 sedevacantist, assumes being saved in invincible ignorance is an exception  to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).So there is personally known salvation outside the Catholic Church for him. Then he criticizes Fr. Leonard Feeney.So this is the reasoning which he uses to slander the priest from Boston.
There is nothing in Lumen Gentium to contradict Feeneyite EENS.However in confusion,like the  Franciscan Bro. Casey Cole OFM in the video,Bishop Sanborn uses a falsehood, to reject the strict interpretation of EENS.

The Franciscan uses this irrationality to reject Feeneyite EENS and accept an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.With the irrationality Bishop Sanborn also has to reject Vatican Council II, since it would be in conflict with an ecumenism of return, Syllabus of Errors etc.
Bishop Sanborn and Brother Cole do not accept Vatican Council II interpreted rationally and in harmony with Feeneyite EENS, an ecumenism of return, the past exclusive ecclesiology and the Syllabus of Errors.
This is not fair to the late Fr.Leonard Feeney and the present day Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the St. Benedict Centers, USA.
How can these religious slander Fr. Leonard Feeney?
They use an irrational premise ( invisible people are visible in the present times) and inference( these 'visible' non Catholics saved outside the Church are objective exceptions to EENS).They create a non traditional and heretical conclusion ( outside the Church there is salvation and all do not need to enter the Church).
Similarly Bishop Peter Libasci, the Bishop of Manchester, USA, interprets Vatican Council II and EENS falsely and then expects the St. Benedict Center in the diocese to do the same.
The Franciscan and sedevacantist communities  could inform Bishop Peter Libasci that in Vatican Council II there are no exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.He supports a lie and slander.
-Lionel Andrades


March 28, 2019

The Franciscan has slandered the priest Fr. Leonard Feeney.He has used false reasoning.This is the common deception. He needs to admit that he has used an irrationality, a falsehood


 From the Most Holy Trinity Seminary

Our Approach

Most Holy Trinity Seminary was founded in order to provide priestly training for young men who thoroughly reject Vatican II,(Cushingite) its reforms, and the Modernist hierarchy which promulgates them.(He is referring to Vatican Council II Cushingite. He does not know about Vatican Council II Feeneyite)  This position is in contrast to the seminaries of traditionalist groups that operate with the approval of the Modernist hierarchy, or who seek this approval.(They also only are aware of Vatican Council II Cushingite).
The Seminary trains priests according to pre-Vatican II standards.(This was when all magisterial documents were interpreted with Feeneyism instead of Cushingism) Its rule, discipline, spiritual formation, and academic curriculum imitate faithfully those which were in effect in seminaries before the Second Vatican Council. By training priests in this manner, the seminary hopes to contribute to the solution to the problem of the nearly universal disintegration of Catholic faith, morals, discipline, and liturgy  which the Second Vatican Council has caused.
The seminary sees that the only solution to the problem of Vatican II, however, is to condemn it as a false council which was dominated by heretics, and to discard and ignore its decrees and enactments.(He does not comment upon Vatican Council II Feeneyite and how all magisterial documents can be interpreted with Feeneyism. The red is not an exception to the blue.) Consequently, the Seminary does not seek to be recognized by the heretical hierarchy which promulgates Vatican II, nor does it seek to work with the Novus Ordo clergy, as if in a single church or religion.(But their interpretation of Vatican Council II and EENS is still irrational, non traditional and heretical).
The Seminary therefore repudiates the idea of the Motu Proprio Mass, or that of a fraternity of priests which has received permission or seeks permission from the Novus Ordo hierarchy to function in communion with the Modernist heretics.(They still offer Holy Mass with the New Theology, the New Ecclesiology while also claiming to support the old ecclesiology of the Catholic Church).
The Catholic Church, in the outlook of the Seminary, will not be cured of its current problems until the hierarchical sees, particularly the papacy, are once again occupied by Catholics. For as long as Modernist heretics possess the mere appearance of authority which they now possess, the problem of Vatican II will continue. In the meantime the Seminary, as well as the priests who emanate from it, shall abhor even the suggestion of an official recognition from the Novus Ordo hierarchy, or of a compromise with the Modernists, whom St. Pius X called the “most pernicious of all the enemies of the Church,” who are striving “utterly to subvert the very Kingdom of Christ.”(Cushingism creates modernism. This seminary is not free of it. This can clearly be seen in their interpretation of Vatican Council II).


Our Seminary provides future priests with a thorough intellectual training based on the Church’s Magisterium and the Teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas.(They are a rupture with St. Thomas Aquinas on EENS. Aquinas affirmed Feeneyite EENS and invincible ignorance referred to hypothetical cases for him. Invincible ignorance is an exception to EENS for Bishop Sanborn. So it is not a theoretical and hypothetical case for him and the seminary faculty)  In both philosophy and theology it insists on adherence to classical Thomism.(In philosophy and theology they adhere to Cushingism.Cushingism is the basis for the New Theology and New Ecclesiology, which is modernism and heresy).

-Lionel Andrades

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