Friday, March 29, 2019

We cannot have a Restoration based on Cushingite theology

Michael Matt

Michael Matt in his latest video 1 does not mention Bishop Athanasius Schneider who is openly supporting Martin Luther's theology as is John Henry Weston editor of LifeSites News.They oppose Pope John Paul II's objection to a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism and Salvation ( CDF, Dupuis, Notification 2001).
The editor at the Remant News, a Cushingite media,  loosely uses the word traditionalists.There  is theological and doctrinal divide among them and he is on the wrong side.
For the Feeneyites invincible ignorance is not an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) but for Michael Matt it is.This is no way to 'unite the clans'.
For the traditionalists at the St. Benedict Center, USA  there are no personally known cases of being saved in invincible ignorance.For Michael Matt and the SSPX there are.Otherwise how else could there be exceptions to EENS since 1965  or earlier, for them?
So when he uses the word traditionalist he needs to specify  to which group is he referring to- Cushingite or Feeneyite.
In the past Michael Matt would criticize Fr. Leonard Feeney.Now at the last conference which he organized the Feeneyite Michael Church was one of the speakers.Brother  Andre Marie MICM was also there.
We cannot unite the clans with two different set of doctrines at the Latin Mass,created by the old and new theology.
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We cannot have a restoration based on Cushingite theology.
It is Cushingite theology which makes all Magisterial documents a rupture with Tradition. It is the cause of the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition, which Pope Benedict mentions, but does not identify its cause.
It turns everything into heresy and he too uses it.
Traditionalism based on Cushingism is not the remedy.

Rome must come back to the Faith with Feeneyism.

Praised be Jesus in the Catholic Church outside of which all are going to Hell.
Cushingism produces a rat-trad.Feeneyism makes a rad trad a Catholic.
Only a Feeneyite is a Catholic. A Cushingite is a heretic.
-Lionel Andrades


From the Editor's Desk, Michael J. Matt takes a hard look at new initiatives to shut down the Church in Poland, Spain and Ireland. He then examines Pope Francis's response and concludes that what is needed is what he calls "Practical Application of Traditional Catholicism." Michael argues that, even as a good man like Jordan Peterson is making great arguments against the evil secularist spirit of the age, it's nevertheless doomed to fail if said arguments are not rooted on the single most important even in human history--the Incarnation of Jesus Christ -- a historical figure who really lived, really died, and really rose from the dead to found the greatest civilization in human history. Michael announces a new chapter in Remnant TV's war on secularism and the establishment of a new world order.

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