Sunday, April 28, 2019

Church Militant TV seems to desert St. Benedict Center

Church Militant TV had posted Jim Russell's report 'Fr. Feeney's Doctrines' based upon the New Theology, Cushingite Theology. Upon Cushingite Theology the prohibitions on the St. Benedict Center have been placed by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and Bishop Peter Libasci, bishop of the Diocese of Manchester, USA.
Church Militant TV(CMTV) has also stopped the announcements calling for donations for the St. Benedict Center Legal Fund.
It seems as if CMTV has been shown the familiar Anti Semitism card.
So the CMTV message to the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire, is accept heresy and sacrilege or be closed down by the Left, while the Vatican will declare them as legally not being Catholic.
The Diocese of Manchester want to suppress and destroy the St. Benedict Center says  C.J Doyle in an interview on Close to Home 1. The SBC have to inform the Internal Revenue Service and the New Hampshire Secretary of State that they are not Catholic.
Image result for Photos David Domet
Recently even the blogger David Domet  had to accept heresy and compromise to keep his blog Vox Cantoris and protect his job in Canada.He had to end the discussion on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.2
He needs to re-read his past blog posts when he felt brave and said 'let it come'.
John Henry Weston's Catholic Edition on LifeSites News does not have a single report on this issue. Instead as Editor in Chief of LifeSites News, he interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingite theology.Then with a straight face every Tuesday he comments on the heresies of Pope Francis.
The St. Benedict Centers are traditionalists and are not being defended by LifeSites and other traditionalists who also use Cushingite theology to remain politically correct with the Left.
They over look the heretical doctrines created by Cushingite Theology, used also the staple theology of the  SSPX , the Lepanto Institute and Human Life International, when they interpret Vatican Council II and EENS.
They do not inform Catholics that without the Cushingite theology, Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, would also be saying like the St. Benedict Center and Michael Voris that there are only Catholics in Heaven.It is only due to ignorance that Catholics do not know that Vatican Council II can be interpreted with Feeneyite theology and so would be in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors, the past exclusivist ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and the Athanasius Creed.
Mary Ellen Mahon Cabinet Secretary for Catholic Formation and  Director of Pastoral Ministry,Diocese of Manchester, USA  says that the St. Benedict Center in the diocese cannot be considered Catholic. She does does not tell Catholics in the diocese of Manchester that they can all interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church without Cushingism.Then all those who attend Mass in English in Manchester, USA would be saying that outside the Church there is no salvation and in Heaven there are only Catholics.3
So she hides this information from Catholics.This is not reported by LifeSites News.

-Lionel Andrades


Close To Home #516 CJ Doyle


MARCH 23, 2019

Canadian blogger restricted


APRIL 26, 2019

Mary Ellen Mahon does not tell Catholics in the diocese of Manchester that they can all interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church without Cushingism : but then they would all not be Catholic for her

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