Sunday, April 7, 2019

Dis Jesus establish a Church that teaches error, yes or no? Jesus founded one Church : yes or no ? - John Martignoni

Image result for Fr.Stefano Visintin osb photo

 JANUARY 22, 2015

And I feel you are saying only Catholics are truly saved....

paulasusan@ffc1b800f8aa43e I feel as though you are bashing Christians who are not Catholic...

 By taping a television series for EWTN? You'll have to be more specific about your allegations.
 I listened to all your downloads And I feel you are saying only Catholics are truly saved....I am listening to them again..

 sounds as if you are saying only Catholics are going to Heaven...

 Since I have never said that only Catholics are going to Heaven, you'll have to be more specific as to why you heard that?

Martignoni@JohnMartignoni I never say who goes to Heaven and who doesn't - not my job. My arguments deal with truth - who has it, who doesn't.

Basically by saying Catholics have the truth, then you are saying Protestants aren't or couldn't be saved....
 Let me ask you a series of questions to explain what I teach: Did Jesus establish a church that teaches error, yes or no?
 I agree. To continue these questions (as way of explanation for what I teach) Jesus founded one church: yes or no?

 I can't answer that at the moment...

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