Sunday, April 7, 2019

Repost : John Martignoni is telling us something important about Vatican Council II

 JANUARY 20, 2015

John Martignoni is telling us something important about Vatican Council II

 John Martignoni , the apologist on EWTN, who is also a member of the Diocesan Staff of Bishop Robert J.Baker, in the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama, where the offices of EWTN and the NCR are situated, contradicts the article written on the EWTN website (by the late Fr.William Most). He also contradicts the interview of Cardinal Gerhard Muller by Edward Pentin, placed on the Vatican website.He is  telling us something important about Vatican Council II.He does this when he says 'Zero cases of something are not exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus' .
Even Bishop Robert Baker would agree that zero cases of something are not exceptions. This is common knowledge.
It is also common knowledge that we cannot see the dead on earth.The bishop and John Martignoni would not be saying anything extraordinary.
So when Vatican Council II makes the following statement in Ad Gentes 7, it is not an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus as interpreted by Fr.Leonard Feeney, the Church Councils, popes and saints.It refers to zero cases.
Therefore those men cannot be saved, who though aware that God, through Jesus Christ founded the Church as something necessary, still do not wish to enter into it, or to persevere in it." Therefore though God in ways known to Himself can lead those inculpably ignorant of the Gospel to find that faith without which it is impossible to please Him (Heb. 11:6)-Ad Gentes 7,Vatican Council II 
It does not contradict the following  orthodox passage in Ad Gentes 7 which agrees with the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church.Those who are aware or are in inculpable ignorance do not contradict the necessity for all  in 2015 ,to be formal members of the Catholic Church,with 'faith and baptism', to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.

all must be incorporated into Him by baptism and into the Church which is His body. For Christ Himself "by stressing in express language the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mark 16:16; John 3:5), at the same time confirmed the necessity of the Church, into which men enter by baptism, as by a door.-Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II
There should not be confusion also with this line.
Therefore, all must be converted to Him, made known by the Church's preaching..- Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II
We do not know of any one who will be damned  in 2015 who did not convert, knowing about the the Church through its preaching.Neither do we know of  someone who will be saved  in incuplable ignorance and without the baptism of water and Catholic Faith. These lines refer to a possibility known only to God and this possibility could include receiving the baptism of water. However either way, with or without the baptism of water, this is a zero case for us.Being saved in inculpable ignorance or with implicit desire( baptism of desire) are zero cases for us.So they must not be considered exceptions.This was the objective  mistake in the Marchetti Letter.
-Lionel Andrades

January 19, 2015

National Catholic Register does not comment as Jimmy Akins, Mark Shea,Edward Pentin and Pat Archbold assume the baptism of desire ( a zero case for John Martignoni) is an exception to the dogma

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