Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Evidence of mortal sins of faith

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Akins holds that to be a heretic a Christian must doubt or deny a truth that the “Magisterium has infallibly defined” to be “divinely revealed.” He believes that the signers of the Open Letter failed to demonstrate that Pope Francis obstinately doubts or denies dogmas that the Magisterium has infallibly defined to be divinely revealed.- Leading Catholics react to Open Letter accusing Pope Francis of heresy
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There are also mortal sins of faith. Without faith there is no salvation. Without faith in the Catholic Church there is no salvation.When an adult has faith he chooses to be baptized with water in the Catholic Church.
Like the Filial Correction (2017), the Open Letter to the Bishops does not record heresies of faith.There are some faith teachings which are obligatory to believe in like, those in the Creeds.Those who cannot affirm the Nicene Creed in the Catholic Church are outside the Church.Practically they are on the way to Hell.Only a change of heart and conversion into the Church can saved them.
Similarly the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) is a faith-teaching which is obligatory for all Catholics to believe in.It is mentioned clearly in the Athanasius Creed.
Catholics also believe in one known baptism, the baptism of water for the forgiveness of  sins (Nicene Creed).Catholics cannot profess to believe in three or more known baptisms and all without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church. There are also no such cases known to us.
The Holy Spirit teaches the Catholic Church ( Apostles Creed) that outside the Church there is no salvation.So to claim outside the Church there is known salvation is heresy.
It is also heresy to say there are three or  more known baptisms and not just one as mentioned in the Nicene Creed.
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1. So  a heretic is a Catholic (not  Christian) who  rejects a truth that the “Magisterium has infallibly defined” to be “divinely revealed” like outside the Church there is no salvation. There is no known salvation outside the Church in 2019 and so the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) cannot be contradicted by any practical exceptions. Since for us human beings there can be no exceptions.But for the present two popes there are exceptions. The baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are exceptions to EENS. So they have changed the understanding of the dogma.
2. A heretic is a Catholic who  rejects a truth that the “Magisterium has infallibly defined” to be “divinely revealed” like we believe in there being only one baptism for the forgiveness of sins( Nicene Creed). This is the baptism of water. For the two popes there are three or more known baptisms, all without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church. So there is not only one baptism but many theoretical and unknown possibilities.They are all  assumed to be equivalent to the baptism of water.
3.  A heretic is a Catholic who  rejects a truth that the “Magisterium has infallibly defined” to be “divinely revealed” like EENS, the Nicene Creed, Apostles Creed and Athanasius Creed.They are all being rejected with an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.The Council is interpreted by the two popes with alleged exceptions of invisible people being visible. Invisible cases of the BOD, BOB and I.I and in Vatican Council II, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are all assumed to be visible examples of salvation outside the Church.This is irrational and the conclusion is heretical.
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1. So EENS is contradicted and so is John 3:5, Mark 16 :16 etc.
2. The Nicene Creed is contradicted.( I believe in more than one known baptism for the forgiveness of sins and they exclude the baptism of water in the Catholic Church).
3.The Apostles Creed is re-interpreted ( I believe in the Holy Spirit which teaches the Catholic Church today according to the two popes that there is known salvation outside the Church).
4.The Athanasius Creed is rejected( Outside the Church there is no salvation).
This is all first class heresy in the hierarchy of truths of Pope John Paul II.
What the past Magisterium has infallibly defined  to be “divinely revealed” is rejected or changed by the present two popes.
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1.The evidence is there for Pope Benedict's heresies  in the theological papers of the International Theological Commission.It is there in black and white.1 They are approved by Pope Francis .The same irrtional reasoning was used at the Plaquet Deo Press Conference by Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
2. Pope Francis on the plane when asked about his Abu Dhabi statement did not affirm the dogma EENS. Instead he projected Vatican Council II( interpreted with the irrationality) as a rupture with EENS.This was a rejection of EENS.
3. He has officially presented a kerygma without the necessity of being a member of the Catholic Church.2
4.Today if he is asked he will not affirm EENS like the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century.This is further proof. 
 He can recite the Nicene or Apostles Creed but he will  interpret them with the irrational premise and inference which is creates a rupture with their understanding over the centuries.So his reciting the Creeds is meaningless.3
5. During the pontificate of Pope Francis,  Pope Benedict confirmed that EENS was no more, for Pope Francis, like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century. There was 'a development' with Vatican Council II.He meant Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise and inference.Otherwise there could not be a development.So EENS and the Creeds were changed in their meanings. The original strict interpretation was denied.
6. Pope Francis does not ask Pope Benedict to issue a correction saying EENS today is like it was for the Magisterium in the 16th century.There is no development with Vatican Council II interpreted without the irrationality.
They are both guilty. So we cannot expect a Catholic proclamation of the faith.
7. So with EENS and Nicene, Apostles and Athanasius Creeds changed theologically there are new heretical doctrines. They are there in the new ecumenism,  new ecclesiology,  new evangelisation and joint mission with other Christian communities who are not outside the Church for the two popes.There is a new understanding of mission in which everyone does not need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation( since there are known exceptions for the two popes).
8. Now a new super department will be created at the Vatican,it is reported,  which will proclaim Jesus without Catholic doctrines and traditional theology.Since the old theology and doctrines have been officially and heretically rejected.
The new  doctrines are heretical and practical conclusions of a new theology based upon a false premise and inference. So now heresy is the norm in the Church supported by the present two popes.
9.They interpret the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 with the irrational reasoning. So BOD, BOB and I.I contradict EENS.


 He(Jimmy Akins) believes that the signers of the Open Letter failed to demonstrate that Pope Francis obstinately doubts or denies dogmas that the Magisterium has infallibly defined to be divinely.Leading Catholics react to Open Letter accusing Pope Francis of heresy

Here I have shown how the two popes obstinately doubt or deny the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
They also deny the centuries old interpretation of the Nicene and Apostles Creed by re-interpreting BOD, BOB and I.I.
They also deny the Athanasius Creed which says outside the Church there is no salvation.For them outside the Church there is personally known salvation so there are exceptions to the Athanasius Creed.
They re-interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with these Creeds even though a rational interpretation of the Council in harmony with the Creeds is possible.They do not proclaim this rational interpretation of Vatican Council II.
The overall result is new doctrines with the Catechisms contradicting each other.-Lionel Andrades


The Allocution of Pope Pius IX, Singulari Quadam (1854) clearly states the issues involved: “It must, of course, be held as a matter of faith that outside the apostolic Roman Church no one can be saved, that the Church is the only ark of salvation, and that whoever does not enter it, will perish in the flood. On the other hand, it must likewise be held as certain that those who live in ignorance of the true religion, if such ignorance be invincible, are not subject to any guilt in this matter before the eyes of the Lord”- 'The Hope of Salvation for Infants who die without being baptized'.(Note: It is assumed here that those saved in invincible ignorance are are explicit exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus).

65. One speaks of the necessity of the Church for salvation in two senses: the necessity of belonging to the Church for those who believe in Jesus and the necessity for salvation of the ministry of the Church which, on mission from God, must be at the service of the coming of the kingdom of God. - Christianity and the World Religions 1997

67. Vatican Council II makes its own the expression extra ecclesiam nulla salus. But in using it the council explicitly directs itself to Catholics and limits its validity to those who know the necessity of the Church for salvation. The council holds that the affirmation is based on the necessity of faith and of baptism affirmed by Christ (LG 14). In this way the council aligned itself in continuity with the teaching of Pius XII, but emphasized more clearly the original parenthentical character of this expression.- Christianity and the World Religions 1997

The study of the theme "Christianity and the World Religions" was adopted for study by a large majority of the members of the International Theological Commission. To prepare this study a subcommission was established composed of Bishop Norbert Strotmann Hoppe, M.S.C.; Rev. Barthelemy Adoukonou; Rev. Jean Corbon; Rev. Mario de Franca Miranda, S.J.; Rev. Ivan Golub; Rev. Tadahiko Iwashima, S.J.; Rev. Luis F. Ladaria, S.J. (president); Rev. Hermann J. Pottmeyer; and Rev. Andrzej Szostek, M.I.C. General discussion on this theme took place during several meetings of the subcommission and in the plenary sessions of the International Theological Commission held at Rome in 1993, 1994 and 1995. The present text was approved "in forma specifica" by vote of the commission on 30 September 1996 and was submitted to its president, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who has given his approval for its publication.-Christianity and the World Religions 1997

MARCH 27, 2012

The International Theological Commission's position paper Christianity and the World Religions 1997 has an objective factual error and is approved by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger : invincible ignorance is not an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

 MARCH 31, 2012

Cardinal Luis Ladaria S.J Secretary Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith does away with the defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Limbo and Original Sin in the International Theological Commission position papers: CDF expects the Society of St.Pius X to accept all this



SEPTEMBER 11, 2015

Immagine correlata



Oath of fidelity made by all Bishops officially supports irrationality, heresy and non traditional conclusions

Modernists will speak on modernism at Lepanto Foundation conference this week http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2018/06/modernists-will-speak-on-modernism-at.html

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APRIL 4, 2018

Meaningless Profession of Faith was made yesterday in Church for Easterhttp://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2018/04/meaningless-profession-of-faith-was.html


 MAY 7, 2019

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The present two popes interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism.The result is heresy

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