Monday, May 13, 2019

Pope authorizes pilgrimages to Medjugorje but permission is not still granted for seers to speak and pray in stadiums in Italy

Image result for Medjugorje seer praying at a stadium in italy

Image result for Medjugorje seer praying at a stadium in italy
Pope authorizes pilgrimages to Medjugorje but 
permission is still granted for seers to speak 
and pray in stadiums in  Italy.
Official pilrgrimages were already permitted.However
 now an offical announcement has been made by  the 
Image result for Medjugorje seer praying at a stadium in italy
It means the the Rome Viacariate can organize
 pilgrimages  to Medugorje as before.
However the seers still not do address large  
gatherings of Catholics in stadiums in Italy as
 before. Thousands  would come to 
pray with them.

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