Sunday, May 12, 2019

Pro Aborts disrupt London abortion survivors testimony at London's March for Life

by Church Militant  •  •  May 11, 2019    

Thousands kneel to pray in repentance for Britain

By Dr. Jules Gomes
Militant abortion advocates attempted to disrupt and drown out an abortion survivor's testimony at London's March for Life as they parodied a popular song and sang "We need abortion and if it's quite all right."
More than 5,000 pro-lifers gathered on May 11 to mark Lifefest 19, the second London-based rally, organized by the U.K.'s March for Life movement.

Marching under the banner of "Life from Conception: No Exception," thousands knelt in prayers of repentance for the nation, after a procession from Emmanuel Centre, Westminster, to the Houses of Parliament in the heart of London.
Abortion survivor: 'My medical records indicate that I soaked in that toxic solution for five days.'

Melissa Ohden, who survived
a saline abortion

People were shedding tears as Melissa Ohden from the United States shared her testimony of how she survived a "failed" saline infusion abortion 41 years ago after being soaked in a toxic salt solution that was injected into her mother's amniotic fluid, meant to slowly scald her to death.
"My medical records indicate that I soaked in that toxic solution for five days — two days longer than what was typical for the procedure," she told the shocked audience. "No mercy was shown to me over those five days. There was no mistake made that spared my life."
"On that fifth day of the saline infusion abortion, my birth mother's labor was finally induced," she continued. "I should have been delivered dead, as a successful abortion, a deceased child. But quite clearly, God had other plans that day for me."
Pro-lifers shouted "Hallelujah" and cheered as she spoke.
Ohden recounted how her grandmother demanded that the nurses leave her to die when she saw the abortion had failed. "Leaving children to die, making them 'comfortable' while we discuss what will happen to them is infanticide," she said, referring to recent U.S. debates, "as some lawmakers work to protect abortion to the point that they would deny us protection and in doing so, continue to mark us for death."

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