Saturday, November 9, 2019

Dorothy Cummings Mclean, correspondent of Life Sites News esposed the plagiarism in the writings of Fr. Thomas Rosica, who was unethical. But she herself irrationally interprets Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS),even after being informed.This is deception. It is unethical too.

Dorothy Cummings McLean

Dorothy Cummings Mclean, correspondent of Life Sites News esposed the plagiarism in the writings of Fr. Thomas Rosica, who was unethical. But she herself, irrationally, interprets Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS),even after being informed.This is deception. It is unethical too.
She is similar to Dr.Joseph Shaw and the other tutors( fellows) at the St. Benet Hall, Oxford University.They  interpret Vatican Council II irrationally since it is politically  correct with the Left.Fr.Rosica could protest.
I mentioned in a blog post that the St.Benet's Hall at Oxford University and the Latin Mass Society and Una Voce International interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.They need to correct themself.
Dr.Joseph Shaw teaches philosophy  at the St.Bennet Hall.He is also the Chairman of the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales.He has written working papers for Una Voce International and attends the Latin Mass like Dorothy Cummings Mclean.This is not the same as the Traditional Latin Mass of the 16th century missionaries.
For Shaw and  traditionalists like Mclean,  LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II, should refer to hypothetical cases only in 2019. They are not real and known non Catholics saved outside the Church. So they are not exceptions to Tradition(Syllabus of Errors, Athanasius Creed etc).But they are exceptions to EENS for both of them.
Lumen Gentium does not contradict the past ecclesiology, fo rme.But this is not how the Council is interpreted at St. Benet Hall or at Life Sites News.
LG 16 and GS 22 are not practical exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus and there is nothing in Unitatis Redintigratio to contradict an ecumenism of return. Yet this is not how the Council is interpreted by Joseph Shaw and the other professors in England or even the Lefebvrists.
Usually the books and reports in the National Catholic Reporter or Crux interpret Vatican Council II irrationally to create an artifical rupture with Tradition.Then they associate the past Tradition, which is contradicted by the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II, with the Latin Mass. They associate the Latin Mass with extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors and think it is now obsolete with Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise and inference.

But without the irrational premise of Michael Sean Winters, Massimo Faggioli and John Allen Jr, in the interpretation of Vatican Council II,  the old ecclesiology would be supported by the Council.The old ecclesiology would be the ecclesiology of Mass in all Rites.
The Latin Mass can no more be targeted since it would be supported by Vatican Council II. The Council would be Feeneyite.

Dorothy Cummings Mclean and Fr. Thomas Rosica are both unethically interpret Vatican Council II, EENS and other magisterial documents.-Lionel Andrades

In an earlier tweet, Hochschild praised LifeSiteNews for its ongoing coverage of the Rosica plagiarism scandal. Since our February 15 story, researchers have discovered that Rosica has misappropriated the work of others for speeches, columns, blog posts, academic articles for peer-reviewed journals, books, and script for a Salt and Light documentary. Examples occur over 30 years. 
In addition, LifeSiteNews discovered that Rosica has been exaggerating his academic credentials. Despite course and book blurbs claiming that the Basilian Father has “advanced degrees in theology and Scripture” from Regis College in Toronto, the Biblicum in Rome, and the École Biblique in Jerusalem, Rosica holds only an M.Div./STB, which is a “basic degree”, from Regis and a License in Sacred Scripture from the Biblicum. He has not received a diploma from the École Biblique. 
Newspapers, magazines and academic journals have retracted several of Rosica’s contributions, and many of his essays have disappeared from the online "Waiting for the Day when the Spirit Will Make Us One” in Ecumenical Trends 47.5 (May 2018) is the most recent Rosica article facing retraction, thanks to its lengthy passages taken from other writers without credit.  

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