Saturday, November 9, 2019

Graduate Students at St. Benet Hall are unaware of the deception of the faculty : there is no clarification or correction

Dr.Joseph Shaw and the professors at the St.Benet Hall, Oxford University, England are projecting unknown cases of BOD, BOB and I.I  as personally known exceptions  to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).If they were invisible, and not known for them they would not be exceptions.
This is academic deception.It is unethical.
They are also interpreting invisible cases of LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II, as visible exceptions to the past  exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.This is subterfuge. They advance their academic careers, with the political Left, by changing Catholic theology with a false premise and inference.
Shaw teaches philosophy and should know there are no objective cases of being saved outside the Church, which would be exceptions,  to the old ecclesiology.There are none mentoned in Lumen Gentium 8 etc.Lumen Gentium in its entire text does not contradict the past ecclesiology.
So Dr. Joseph Shaw supports the New Theology which is created by assuming invisible cases of BOD,BOB and I.I and LG 8 etc, being visible and known, are examples of known  non Catholics saved outside the Church. This was the irrational reasoning of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949. Since then ecclesiastics having been saying there is salvation  outside the Church.Possiliities which exist only in the mind have become real examples of outside the Church there being salvation, for them.
So it is no more outside the Church there is no salvation for Shaw, as it was for the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century. This was also the ecclesiology of the Latin Mass at that time.Now for the academics it is outside the Church there is salvation and so non Catholics do not need to convert and there is no need for Catholic mission any more.
Shaw recently wrote a book on the Latin Mass calling for evangelisation based upon the Latin Mass of the 1950's.That Mass was different from the Latin of today, which has a New Ecclesiology, based upon BOD, BOB and I.I and LG 8 etc being visible and personally known.
The St.Benet Hall is dishonest.There is no clarification or correction from any of the teachers and neither from Joseph Shaw.
The professors(tutors) evaluate the writings and research of students from all over the world. They check the morality of research - subjects.There is a department for Theology and Religion. Here are some of the students at St.Benet Hall according to the official website. The students  would be sincere and honest.
May be they are unaware of the deception of the faculty.
-Lionel Andrades

St Benet's Hall

Graduate Students

St Benet's currently has forty graduate students studying a range of degrees from one-year Master's to DPhils. Our students include:

Thais Rocha da Silva: DPhil Egyptology

Francesco De Magistris: DPhil Egyptology

Harald Edinger: DPhil International Relations (Junior Dean)

Jaroslav Kurek: DPhil Theology

Matthew Thompson: DPhil Archaeology

Arabella Volkers: DPhil Theology

Christine Pelican: DPhil International Relations (Junior Dean)

Servane Hardouin: MPhil Egyptology

Dalayan Nayager: EMBA

Azhar Abdul-Rahim: PGCE
Humza Asif: MSt History
Berklee Baum: MSt History
Dorcas Bolaji: MBA
Jo Brown: PGCE
Candice Carpenter: MBA
Alexander Clegg: MSc Comparative Social Policy
Frances Enticknap: MSc Visual, Material & Museum Anthropology
Christine Escurriola Tettamanti: PGCE
Martin Friberg Torell: MSc Middle Eastern Studies
Jacob Hamidi: MSc Cognitive & Evolutionary Anthropology
Jazeb ul Haq: MBA
Birte Hellwig: PGCE
Katekani Hlaise: MBA
Merin Joseph: MPP
Shaakira Karolia: MBA
Swee Kheng Khor: MPP
Alexandra Mason: MSc Education
Michael Migliaccio: PGCE
Noel Neeman: MPP
Matthew Orf: MSt History
Prateek Soni: MBA
James Stomber: MSc Social Science of the Internet
Fiona Tait: PGCE
Alan Trigle: MPhil Theology
Mimidoo Ugor: MBA
Steven Zhang: MBA
Nkanyezi Zikalala: MBA

Charlotte Grace: MSc Teacher Education
Susan Jones: MSc Teacher Education
Jessica Rowson: MSc Teacher Education

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