Thursday, October 3, 2019

Il Sinodo Amazzonico Instrumentum Laboris contraddice il Concilio Vaticano II e i Credo : e eresia di prima classe e scisma con i papi prima di Pio XII (Grafica)

 OCTOBER 3, 2019  

Il Sinodo Amazzonico Instrumentum Laboris contraddice il Concilio Vaticano II e i Credo : e eresia di prima classe e scisma con i papi prima di Pio XII

OCTOBER 1, 2019

Amazon Synod Instrumentum Laboris contradicts Vatican Council II and Creeds : it is first class heresy and a schism with the popes before Pius XII

Il Sinodo Amazzonico Instrumentum Laboris contraddice il Concilio Vaticano II e i Credo : e eresia di prima classe e scisma con i papi prima di Pio XII

Al Papa e ai Padri sinodali
Noi, numerosissimi prelati, sacerdoti e fedeli cattolici di tutto il mondo, facciamo presente che l’Instrumentum Laboris preparato per la prossima assemblea del Sinodo pone seri interrogativi e desta gravissime riserve, per la sua contraddizione sia con singoli punti della dottrina cattolica sempre insegnata dalla Chiesa, sia con la fede nel Signore Gesù, unico Salvatore di tutti gli uomini. Ne abbiamo tratto, secondo il metodo classico, quattro proposizioni in forma di “tesi”, riportando i termini del documento. In coscienza e con molta franchezza, l’insegnamento che essi trasmettono è inaccettabile.
Lionel: Con la Nuova Teologia che è accettata dai tradizionalisti e dai cattolici conservatori, la Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede(CDF) affermerà che tutta la salvezza viene da Gesù e dalla Chiesa. Quindi i non cattolici possono essere salvati nelle loro religioni senza conoscere Gesù o senza dover entrare nella Chiesa. Entrambi i due papi presenti, sostengono questo ragionamento basato su casi ipotetici (LG 8, LG 16 ecc.) Essendo noti non cattolici salvati fuori dalla Chiesa.
Questo è un falso ragionamento poiché anche con la Nuova Teologia si può affermare la salvezza esclusiva nella Chiesa Cattolica. Poiché non ci sono casi noti di BOD, BOB e I.I 1 e quindi non ci sono eccezioni note personalmente alla salvezza esclusiva, per noi esseri umani.
English translaton:
Lionel: With the new theology which is accepted by the traditionalists and conservative Catholics, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will state that all salvation comes from Jesus and the Church. So non Catholics can be saved in their religions without knowing Jesus or having to enter the Church.Both of the present popes support this reasoning based upon hypothetical cases (LG 8, LG 16 etc) being known non Catholics saved outside the Church.
This is false reasoning since even with the new theology exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church can be affirmed.Since there are no known cases of the BOD, BOB and I.I 1 and so there are no personally known exceptions to exclusive salvation for us human beings.
  1. La diversità amazzonica, soprattutto religiosa, evoca una nuova Pentecoste (IL 30):rispettarla è riconoscere che ci sono altri cammini di salvezza, senza riservarli esclusivamente alla propria fede. Gruppi cristiani non cattolici insegnano, d’altronde, altre modalità di essere Chiesa, senza censure, senza dogmatismi, senza discipline rituali, forme ecclesiali (IL 138),  di cui la Chiesa cattolica dovrebbe integrare alcune. È distruttivo dello stesso credo riservare la salvezza esclusivamente al proprio credo (IL 39).
Particolarmente scandaloso è il n. 39, dove si afferma che è «distruttivo dello stesso credo» «riservare la salvezza esclusivamente al proprio credo».
Contro, tra altri: Dominus Jesus, 14 e 16.
Lionel: Dominus Iesus è basato sulla Nuova Teologia. Supporta la teologia di Cushingite 2 e rifiuta la teologia di Feeneyite. Il cardinale Ratzinger era un Cushingite e così interpretò il Concilio Vaticano II con la premessa falsa invece che senza di questa falsa premessa.
Il Concilio Vaticano II, Feeneyite, senza il invisibile- popolo- e-visibile premessa, afferma l'ecclesiologia del passato della Chiesa Cattolica e solo un ecumenismo del ritorno. Non esistono basi teologiche per la nuova teologia, la nuova ecclesiologia e il nuovo ecumenismo.
Tuttavia i Lefebvristi interpretano anche il Concilio Vaticano II, con la falsa premessa come fece Papa Paolo VI.Loro non vogliono affermare la salvezza esclusiva poiché sarebbero opposti dalla sinistra con varie leggi.
Quindi anche i cattolici conservatori che hanno firmato varie petizioni sulla dottrina rispetto a Papa Francesco, sono consapevoli di ciò che sto dicendo qui, ma rimangono in silenzio, a causa di interessi personali e professionali.
English translation:
Lionel: Dominus Iesus is based upon the New Theology. It supports Cushingite theology and rejects Feeneyite theology. Cardinal Ratzinger was a Cushingite and so interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise instead of without it.
Vatican Council II, Feeneyite, without the invisible-people-are visible premise, affirms the past ecclesiology of the Catholic Church and only an ecumenism of return.There is no theological basis for the New Theology, New Ecclesiology and New Ecumenism.
However the Lefebvrists also interpret Vatican Council II, with the false premise as did Pope Paul VI.They do not want to affirm exclusive salvation since it would be opposed by the Left with various laws.
So even conservative Catholics who have signed various petitions on doctrine with respect to Pope Francis, are aware of what I am saying here but remain silent, due to personal and professional interests.
  1. L’insegnamento della teologia pan-amazzonica, che tenga conto specialmente dei miti, dei riti e celebrazioni delle culture d’origine, è richiesto in tutte le istituzioni educative (IL 98 c 3).I riti e le celebrazioni non cristiane vengono proposti come «essenziali per la salvezza salute  integrale» (IL 87) e si chiede di «adattare il rito eucaristico alle loro culture» (IL 126 d). Sui riti: IL 87, 126.
Contro: Dominus Jesus 21..
Lionel: Contro questo Concilio Vaticano II, Ad Gentes 7.Dice che tutti hanno bisogno di fede e di battesimo per la salvezza. Il popolo amazzonico è fuori dalla Chiesa e tutti sono orientati verso l'inferno, a meno che non entrino nella Chiesa con fede e battesimo.
Contro questo il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica (845,.846,1257) che afferma la salvezza esclusiva nella Chiesa Cattolica senza eccezioni menzionata nel Concilio Vaticano II. Da LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3 NA 2, GS 22 ecc. Si riferiscono a casi teorici che ovviamente non sono visibili e reali nel 2019.
Contro questo il Credo di Atanasio che dice al di fuori della Chiesa non c'è salvezza e il Credo di Nicea che intendiamo dicendo che esiste un solo battesimo per il perdono dei peccati. Questo battesimo è noto e visibile e non ci sono tre battesimi noti, che escludono il battesimo dell'acqua. Il battesimo del desiderio, del sangue e dell'invincibile ignoranza si riferiscono solo a casi ipotetici e non sono mai state eccezioni alla tradizionale ecclesiologia esclusivista, della Chiesa Cattolica.
Contro questo il Catechismo di Papa Pio X ecc.-Lionel Andrades
Lionel: Against this Vatican Council II, Ad Gentes 7. It says all need faith and baptism for salvation. The Amazonian people are outside the Church and are all oriented to Hell unless they enter the Church with faith and baptism.
Against this the Catechism of the Catholic Church (845,846,1257) which affirms exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church with no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II. Since LG 8, LG 14,LG 16, UR 3 NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to theoretical cases who are obviously not visible and real in 2019.
Against this the Athanasius Creed which says outside the Church there is no salvation and the Nicene Creed which we understand as saying there is one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. This is baptism known and visible and there are not three known baptisms which exclude the baptism of water. The baptism of desire, blood and invincible ignorance refer only to hypothetical cases and were never were exceptions to the traditional exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.
Against this the Catechism of Pope Pius X etc.-Lionel Andrades
  1. Tra i luoghi teologici (cioè tra le fonti della teologia, come la Sacra Scrittura, i Concili, i Padri) si trovano il territorio [dell’Amazzonia] e il grido dei suoi popoli (IL 18, 19, 94, 98 c 3, 98 d 2, 144).
Contro: Dei Verbum 4, 7, 10.
  1. Viene suggerito di conferire l’ordinazione a persone anziane, che abbiano famiglia, e di conferire “ministeri ufficiali” a delle donne. Si propone così una nuova visione dell’ordine che non proviene dalla Rivelazione, ma dagli usi culturali dei popoli amazzonici (che prevedono, tra l’altro un’autorità a rotazione). Si dovrebbe allora fare una separazione tra il sacerdozio e il munus regendi. (IL 129 a 2, 129 a 3, 129 c 2). La separazione tra il sacerdozio e il munus regendi va minando le basi eucaristiche del ministero dell’autorità nella Chiesa.
Contro: Lumen gentium 21, Presbyterorum ordinis 13, Pastores dabo vobis 26; ed inoltre contro: Sacerdotalis cælibatus integre e spec. 21 e 26, Ordinatio sacerdotalis 1, 3 e 4; Pastores dabo vobis 29.

BOD (Un caso della persona sconosciuta salvato con il Battesimo del desiderio e senza il battesimo dell'acqua), BOB (Un caso della persona teorica e ipotetica salvata con il battesimo del sangue e senza l'acqua del battesimo) e I.I (Un caso speculativo di una persona salvato nell'ignoranza invincibile e senza fede e il battesimo dell'acqua).
BOD(Case of the unknown person saved with the Baptism of desire and without the baptism of water), BOB(Case of the theoretical and hypothetical person saved with the baptism of blood and without the baptism water ) and I.I( Speculative case of a a person saved in invincible ignorance and without faith and the baptism of water).


Feeneyismo (10)

OCTOBER 1, 2019

Amazon Synod Instrumentum Laboris contradicts Vatican Council II and Creeds : first class heresy and schism with the popes before Pius XII

There is nothing controversial to proclaim.This is the new concept of mission approved by Pope Francis and Pope Benedict. Similarly in Rome, itself, the priest at Mass has nothing controversial to say since he interprets Vatican Council II with an irrational reasoning.There is no more exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.

When the missionaries in the past went to foreign countries  they knew they could be killed.Since the Catholic doctrines they had to share were controversial. They were saying it is important to accept Jesus in the Catholic Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell. They were saying that the Devil exists and works to take people to Hell.There  was a struggle between the forces of God and Satan.They were also saying that most people in ignorance or weakness would   give in  to the Devil and his lies and temptations.
Over the last 70 or 80 years the popes, cardinals and bishops have been teaching heresy and new doctrines on salvation and now it is officially confirmed at the Amazon Synod, Working Paper.So when the missionary goes to a foreign  country there is no risk of being killed any more. There is nothing controversial to proclaim.This is the new concept of mission approved by Pope Francis and Pope Benedict.
Similarly in Rome, itself, the priest at Mass has nothing controversial to say since he interprets Vatican Council II with an irrational reasoning.There is no more an exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
The new mission offices set up by Pope Francis are not a threat to any one and there is no danger of the offices being burnt down or any one killed, as is the experience of missionaries in Asia, Africa etc. 
Fr. Michele Caifa whose mission office is at the Piazza San Giovani in Laterano, Rome,  is one of the many priests who are called to affirmed this false concept of mission. They proclaim Jesus in a vague way without the necessity of followng the faith amd moral teachings of the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.
 He has an easy job since the theology and doctrines on salvation have been changed in 1949 with the Letter of the Holy Office 1949, which confused invisible people as being visible, theoretical cases were assumed to be practical exceptions to the past teaching on exclusive salvation.
From exclusive salvation in the Church the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction to having artifacts of foreign religions placed on the altar and considering the pagan religions a path of salvation.Other religions have 'errors, insufficiencies and superstition', Pope John Paul II said in Dominus Iesus.He said that these religions cannot be considered paths to salvation equal to the Church.The members of these religions he said are oriented to the Catholic Church for salvation(CDF, Notification, Deupuis 2001).-Lionel Andrades

Mother brings blind toddler to Mirjana's apparition - Oct 2, 2019


Dear children, the will and the love of the Heavenly Father make it so that I am among you, that I, with a motherly love, may help the growth of faith in your heart, for you to be able to truly comprehend the purpose of earthly life and the greatness of the heavenly one.

My children, the earthly life is the way to eternity, to truth, and to life-to my Son. I desire to lead you on that way. You, my children-you who always thirst for more love, truth, and faith-need to know that there is only one spring from which you can drink. It is trust in the Heavenly Father; it is trust in His love.

Abandon yourselves completely to His will and do not be afraid. Everything that is best for you, everything that leads you to eternal life, will be given to you. You will comprehend that the purpose of life is not always to want and take, but to love and give. You will have true peace and true love. You will be apostles of love.

By your example, you will make it so that my children who do not know my Son and His love may desire to come to know Him. My children, apostles of my love, adore my Son with me and love Him above all. Always strive to live in His truth. Thank you.

Proof the Amazon Synod proposes apostasy | The John-Henry Westen Show

The 52 martyrs of Kyoto

by Luke O'Hara  •  •  October 1, 2019   

Anti-Christian rage in feudal Japan

Behold a heart-wrenching martyrdom in which whole families were immolated together — including mothers with infants in their arms — just to satisfy the mighty Shogun Hidetada's ire.
In October of 1619, Hidetada was on a visit to Kyōto, the Imperial capital, when he heard that there were a great many Christians being held in Kyōto's jail. The volatile shogun exploded into rage and ordered them all executed immediately, regardless of age, gender or station. They were to be crucified and burned on their crosses as a mise-shime — a lesson to recalcitrant believers.

Hidetada's father, Tokugawa Ieyasu — the first of the Tokugawa shoguns — had slapped a nationwide ban on the practice of Christianity in 1614, fearful perhaps of its grant of sovereignty to every human conscience. The son was now doubling down on his father's ban, doing his utmost to scare that proscribed faith out of the hearts of all Japan's believers lest the whole nation's heart should change, turn to the truth and see that all men are equal in the sight of God.
Ieyasu's forebear, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, had nailed his own lesson of fear and intolerance to 26 crosses raised atop a mountain slope overlooking Nagasaki Bay on Feb. 5, 1597.
He had crucified Br. Paul Miki, S.J., and his 25 brethren in faith on the charge that they had brought to Japan's shores a subversive foreign religion, a "religion of love and union" prejudicial to a martial culture whose ethos was grounded on self-abnegation and blind obedience to rigid rule from above.
In that world inherited by the present shogun, an overlord presumed the right to cut down his servants at his whim or command them to take their own lives; what horror to the tyrant, then, if every man should see himself as a temple housing Almighty God.
Thus was Hidetada's boiling rage most likely fueled by fear.
Itakura Katsushige, Kyōto's shogunal governor, was a decent man — "the most moderate man on earth," French historian Pierre de Charlevoix tells us — but he dare not contravene the shogun's orders, not even to "defer the execution of a lady of the first quality who was about to give birth."

Polish Bishop : Resist LGBT propaganda

by Martina Moyski  •  •  October 2, 2019    

Krakow archbishop rouses Poles to consider debt owed to national heroes, saints

KRAKOW, Poland ( - Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski of Kraków issued a pastoral letter on Sept. 28 warning of major threats to Polish — and international — freedom emanating from the totalitarianism of the twentieth century.
The archbishop addressed his "Beloved Archdiocesans" in the letter entitled Totus Tuus ("Totally yours"), urging them to resist "the radical rejection of God" and LGBT propaganda.
He explained the "integrated approach" of totalitarianism; that when it rejects God, it makes a new vision of man, one that presents man as a caricature of himself and from the caricature grows LGBT ideology which blurs natural differences between men and women.

The archbishop described the propaganda of LGBT ideology as "aggressive" and "subverting," using concepts like "tolerance" and "progress" to justify its promotion.
He addressed his flock as "Brothers and Sisters" when he spoke of the danger of violating one's conscience in succumbing to the pressures of LGBT propaganda which represent a deviation from the principles of their Christian faith.
According to the Polish prelate, the recent pressure to cave to LGBT propaganda can be likened to the totalitarian times of the Polish People's Republic, when social advancements were guaranteed only to Communist Party members and believers were treated as second class citizens.
He also spoke of the great spiritual harm inflicted on children and teenagers as a result of sex education programs introduced by the World Health Organization (WHO) that teach LBGT ideology.
The archbishop said that approval of — or indifference to — these sex education programs represent a serious moral offense. Parents who do not resist LGBT ideology and WHO programs ensure "their own children will become victims of gender ideology."

Speaking also in first person about the need for rising to the occasion of history, the archbishop said:
We, each and every one of us, following the example of the Holy Father John Paul II, must pay back the debt we incurred towards our national heroes and the saint Patrons of our homeland. We also have a responsibility to defend those values ​​of which Poland was born more than 1050 years ago and whose deepest expression is the Christ Cross.
"This is not only a duty to the noble achievements of our ancestors, but also to future generations of Poles," he added.
The archbishop concluded by recommending a "prayer marathon" to include silent adoration of the Holy Sacrament for half an hour before evening Masses, ending with a decade of the Rosary and the litany to St. John Paul II, from Nov. 1 until the end of 2020 in all churches and chapels throughout the nation.

Rome Conference: Restoration of Eucharistic Reverence to End Crisis

by Rodney Pelletier  •  •  October 2, 2019 

Prominent Churchmen say Holy Eucharist kneeling and on the tongue must be brought back

ROME ( - Faithful Catholics are gathering in Rome for a conference on the eve of the Amazon Synod to reinforce the centrality of the Holy Eucharist to Catholic belief.
The conference, called "Every Knee Shall Bow — The Majesty and Infinite Love of Holy Communion," will be held on Saturday at Santo Spirito in Sassia — yards away from St. Peter's Square. The church is also called the official sanctuary of the Divine Mercy devotion in Rome.
Contributing speakers will include Cdl. Malcolm Ranjith — the former secretary at the Congregation for Divine Worship, Cdl. Raymond Burke, Bp. Athanasius Schneider and Msgr. Nicola Bux, a theologian and former consultor to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

 The gathering will focus on reinforcing the Church's long-held tradition of kneeling and receiving Holy Communion on the tongue.
In a September interview, Cdl. Robert Sarah asserted, "The decline of faith in the Real Presence of Jesus the Eucharist is at the heart of the current crisis of the Church and its decline, especially in the West."
"The profound crisis that the Church is experiencing in the world and especially in the West is the fruit of the forgetting of God," he said, adding, "If our first concern is not God, then everything else collapses. At the root of all crises ... is the forgetting of the primacy of God."
In August, a poll revealed 69% of self-identified Catholics think Holy Communion is merely a "[symbol] of the body and blood of Jesus Christ," with less than one-third of all Catholics saying they believe "during Catholic Mass, the bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Jesus."
The profound crisis that the Church is experiencing in the world and especially in the West is the fruit of the forgetting of God.Tweet
The poll also shows more than 1 in 5 of Catholics (22%) know the Church's teaching on the Real Presence in the Eucharist but reject it.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) reacted with a Facebook post asking Catholics, "What are some ideas to solving this issue? We want to hear your opinion."
While the USCCB suggested it's own booklets telling Catholics to read about "how Jesus wants to transform your life through this sacrament of his Body and Blood," the majority of those responding advised traditional practices most U.S. dioceses and archdiocese have abandoned:
  • Masses should be said ad orientem
  • Communion rails should be restored
  • Tabernacles should be front and center
  • Ordained priests and deacons should distribute Holy Communion
  • Communicants should receive while kneeling and on the tongue
  • Communion in the hand should be banned
  • Communicants should dress appropriately
  • Gregorian chant, sacred music and Latin at Mass should be restored
  • Sacred silence at Mass should be restored
  • Eucharistic adoration should be promoted
  • Homilies should teach the Real Presence
  • Remind communicants to receive only in a state of grace
  • Encourage confession and make it available before Mass
  • Pro-abortion politicians must not receive Holy Communion
Very few bishops, however, reacted to the information revealed in the poll.
Peoria, Illinois, Bp. Daniel Jenky responded, "I believe it is a grave obligation for me to try to state as clearly as I am able some basic truths about the Blessed Sacrament," adding, "The clergy and faithful therefore share a perennial responsibility before Almighty God to pass on Divine truth to future generations, in season and out of season, uncompromised and undiminished."
Jenky noted, "Yet today, we are forced to admit that for several generations, the Church may not have effectively passed on even some core elements of Catholic Christianity to those whom may now constitute the majority of our members."
Bux said in a September interview that if a priest "first obliges a believer to stand up to receive Holy Communion, or comes to remove kneelers from the church, it means that the devil has entered the temple."
He added that the devil "pushes priests to remove this element that recalls the First Commandment: to love the Lord your God and serve him alone!"