Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Fr.Francesco Giordano and Prof. Sandra Mazzolini's theology is political and they suggest it is from the Holy Spirit

The Bible says that if any one sins against the Holy Spirit he or she will not be forgiven.I have read different explanations of this frightening text.
I do know that this semester at the Angelicum and Urbaniana Universities in Rome, there are courses on the Holy Spirit in their theology section.The courses are offered by Fr. Francesco Giordano(Angelicm) and Sandra Mazzoloni(Urbanina).
They both will teach that the Holy Spirit guides the Church to say today, after Vatican Council II (Cushingite), that there is known salvation outside the Church.So the old ecclesiology is rejected and there is a new understanding of ecclesiology.Mazzolini has written a book in Italian critical of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) in the patristic period.She interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism. Then she wrote a book on Vatican Council II interpreted with Cushingism with no clue of the Council being traditional, when interpreted with Feeneyism. 
Just like the traditionalists Roberto dei Mattei and Chris Ferrara wrote books on Vatican Council II, which they interpreted with Cushingism and then rejected the result, Sandra Mazzolini a liberal, also interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism, but expects more from her  Cushingite spirit of Vatican Council II.
Mazzolini and Giordano will teach students that outside the Church there is salvation since invisible cases of the baptism of desire etc are visible exceptions  to Feeneyite EENS.This is the new teaching in the Church granted by the Holy Spirit according to them.It is approved by the Father General of the Dominicans.
They will say that Vatican Council II is a rupture  with EENS according to the missionaries of the 16th century and the Patristic period.Since unknown cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc in 2020, are personally seen and known exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.
So the Holy Spirit  for them, contradicts the Principle of Non Contradiction(people saved outside the Church are visible in Heaven and on earth at the same time), makes an objective error.It is a rupture with the teachings of the Holy Spirit over the centuries, on salvation, mission, theology etc.
Of course this has been approved by Pope Francis.He indicated, before the Amazon Synod, that the Holy Spirit guides the Church.This was before the expected innovations were announced.
Then before Christmas, Pope Francis referred to the 'magisterium of Vatican Council II'. He was referring to Vatican Council II Cushingite and not Vatican Council II Feeneyite.Vatican Council II Cushingite is a superficial and heretical way to read the Council-text.It cannot be supported by the Holy Spirit and so cannot be magisterial.
This is all manifest deception and it is being attributed to the Holy Spirit. In a sense this is blasphemy.
Giordano and Mazzolini have changed the understanding of the Creeds and Catechisms with their Cushingite interpretation of LG 8,LG 14, LG 16 etc and they do not correct the heresy.
I have been writing about this for the last few years and Mazzolini and those who support her, ignore me. 
With this public scandal they offer/attend Holy Mass.No corrections are made or apologies offered since their post is a political one.
Now they suggest that all this deception is the teaching of the Holy Spirit. 
How can the Holy Spirit tell us to pre-suppose that there are literal exceptions to traditional exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, when we cannot know of any ?
Who has seen a baptism of desire case in 2019-2020? Who can say there were  20 or 25 people saved in invincible ignorance outside the Church in 2018-2019 ? No one.
Giordano and Mazzolini promote all this irrationality and innovation, with the support of others, as being the teachings of the Holy Spirit and then get a salary.
Their theology is political and they suggest it is from the Holy Spirit-Lionel Andrades

From the Handbook of Studies of the Angelicum University, Rome (2019-2020)

TE 2547 Pneumatology. 3 ECTS

This course will study the Spirit’s divinity, his procession from the Father and the Son, his in-
visible and visible missions, his seven gifts and the charisms. Theological issues raised by

the charismatic renewal and the Pentecostal movement will also be considered. ( Lionel: They will have to conform to his liberal Cushingite theology, on the Holy Spirit.Many of them are already doing so).

ODS 2019 da 1 fino a pag pag 201 2 SETTEMBRE_Layout 1 04/09/19 10:07 Pagina 35

BIBLIOGRAPHY: THOMAS AQUINAS, Summa Theologiae I, questions 27-43; I-II, question
68; II-II, questions 171-178; Y. CONGAR, I Believe in the Holy Spirit, Crossroad Publishing,
New York, 1983; G. EMERY, The Trinity: An Introduction to Catholic Doctrine on the Triune

God, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2011; M. LEVERING, En-
gaging the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2016.



SE 2591 The Salvation of Non-Christians in St. Thomas Aquinas’ Corpus. 4 ECTS
In this seminar we wish to approach the issue of salvation of non-Christians using the thought
of St. Thomas Aquinas, covering themes from the nature of Faith and the necessity of Baptism
to that of invincible ignorance. Since St. Thomas did not address this theme frequently in his
texts, we will see a number of other key themes in his theology which will open the way to
help answer these questions.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: ST. THOMAS AQUINAS, Summa Theologiae, Editio Leonina, Romae,
1888-1903; RICCARDO LOMBARDI, S.J. The Salvation of the Unbeliever, Burns & Oates,
London 1956; LOUIS CAPERAN, Le Problème du Salut des Infidèles, Essai historique, Grand

Séminaire, Toulouse 1934; LOUIS CAPERAN, Le Problème du Salut des Infidèles, Essai théo-
logique, Grand Séminaire, Toulouse 1934 ; RALPH MARTIN, Will Many Be Saved ?, Eerd-
mans, Grand Rapids (MI) 2012.

F. GIORDANO Wed. 8.30-10.15

From the Handbook of Studies (Ordo) Urbaniana Pontificial University, Rome

Diretto Canonica
Secondo semestre 
TB1018 Teologia della missione S. Mazzolini ECTS 3/I sem. 

Departmento di Missiologia

QUADRO DELLE DISCIPLINE Primo semestre Corsi obbligatori
MB1000 Introduzione alla Missiologia J.-A. Barreda ECTS 3/I sem.
 MB1001 Missiografia J.-A. Barreda ECTS 3/I sem. 
MB1002 Storia della Chiesa missionaria A. Trevisiol ECTS 6/ann. 
MB1006 Teologia della spiritualità missionaria C. Dotolo ECTS 3/I sem.
 MB1012 Teologia della pastorale missionaria P.B.W. Steffen ECTS 3/I sem. MB1013 Fenomenologia della religione B. Kanakappally ECTS 3/I sem.
 MB1016 Teologia sistematica della Missione A. Pooda ECTS 3/I sem. MB1025 La missione nell’Antico Testamento D. Scaiola ECTS 3/I sem. 

MB1026 Metodologia del lavoro scientifico A. Pooda ECTS 3/I sem. Corsi introduttivi alle religioni 

MLT1027 Animazione e cooperazione missionaria: fondamenti teologici e orientamenti pastorali A. Pooda ECTS 4/II sem. 
MLT1028 Pneumatologia: economia salvifica dello Spirito Santo S. Mazzolini ECTS 4/II sem. 116Missiologia 
MLT1038 Globalizzazione ed etica nell’era della complessità D. Mancini ECTS 4/II sem. 
MLT1046 Percorsi di evangelizzazione per oggi A. Adamo ECTS 3/II sem. Corsi integrativi SIGLA

JANUARY 4, 2020

The Handook of Studies of the Urbaniana Pontifical University, Rome ( Ordo) shows like the Handook of Studies of the Angelicum University Rome ( 2019-2020) that Vatican Council II is interpreted irrationally to create a rupture with traditional mission doctrine, the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church, an ecumenism of return and extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known to the miissionaries in the 16th century

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