Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Master General of the Dominicans, Fr. Gerard Francisco Timoner III cannot issue a statement or clarification since he does not have the faith, or he could be removed from office, for expressing it.

Image result for cFr. Gerard Francisco Timoner

The Master of the Order of Preachers is the Superior General of the Order, the Dominicans.He is  ex officio Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome  and of the Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas in Manila,Philippines.Fr. Gerard Francisco Timoner III  was elected the  Master of the Order, this year.He was a Professor of liberal Cushingite,theology at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila.Timoner was ordained a priest in 1995. He earned additional degrees in sacred theology and intercultural theology at the Catholic University of Nijmegen in 2004. Pope Francis named him a member of the leftist International Theological Commissio.He accepts the ITC's political interpretation of Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the Catechisms and Creeds. So for him too like the rest of the Dominicans there is an artificial rupture with Tradition and the Dominican saints on the past ecclesiology, ecumenism etc.There interpretation of Magisterial documents is a mortal sin of faith. It is a public scandal. But they are obliged to follow because of their various personal attachments in life.
Presently, this Master General is as dishonest as the previous one since they  pre-suppose,after being informed, that unknown cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance are known exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). In other words there was no error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which was referenced in Vatican Council II by the liberals and accepted by Cardinal Ratzinger and Bishop Charles Morerod op, at the ITC.
The Father General extends his faulty reasoning to Vatican Council II.He assumes invisible cases referenced in LG 8, LG 14, lG 16, UR 3, NA2, GS 22 etc are physically visible examples of salvation outside the Church and so are objective exceptions to traditional EENS.If they were not visible they could not be exceptions to EENS. If they did not refer to known people saved outside the Church they would be irrelevant to EENS.So since there are exceptions to EENS for him he implies they are visible. Then he commits heresy on the Creeds and Catechisms and Vatican Council II -but keeps his job.
But the Master General like the present two popes does not say that all need to enter the Church with faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7 ). So there are exceptions for him. He does not say that in Heaven there are only Catholics. So there are known exceptions to EENS on earth for him.
If he corrects this error among the Dominicans, for example ay the Angelicum University, Pope Francis , the Masons and the rest of the political Left would want him to resign.They are unable to accept the truth, with charity or without it.
The Dominicans do not correct the error on the Wikipedia Internet posts on Feeneyism, extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Vatican Council II and Feeneyism, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary etc.Instead they repeat the error in courses this semester at the university.
The Father General cannot even issue a statement or clarification on this issue since he does not have the faith, or if he does have the faith, he could be removed from office, for expressing it.-Lionel Andrades

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