Thursday, January 30, 2020

The only blog which is standing against all of them

This is the only blog which is saying that the German cardinals and bishops need to interpret Vatican Council II rationally; without a false premise and inference. It is the only blog which affirms Vatican Council II without the false premise and inference. It is the only blog which affirms the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).John Henry Weston, Michael Matt and Roberto dei Mattei and Michael Voris are liberals like the German bishops whom they criticize.
I am the only one standing in the way of the teachings of the false theology and doctrines,making the distinction between Cushingism and Feeneyism. The Ratzinger-Francis combine along with the Lefebvrsits, will not interpret Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms and EENS without the false premise and inference. They need the false premise to create a rupture with Tradition.
They are unable to say that there are no physically visible cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church. No cases saved  without faith and baptism.There are none in 2020.Something so simple is so difficult for them. They know there are implications.So they do not proclaim it.
David Domet (Vox Cantoris) in Canada, at the time of the New Zealand massacre, denied exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church on his blog.He removed comments  and ended a discussion on EENS. A sub heading prominently said that I was banned.He had received some warning.All this was his personal limitation and should in now way be ascribed to the Latin Mass which he attends with the Benedict-Francis new ecclesiology.He is unable to affirm Catholic faith in harmony with Vatican Council II, without the false premise and inference, just like Pope Francis.
This blog is different.
Other blogs have pointed out the results of the interpretation of Vatican Council II but not the difference between Vatican Council II, Cushingite and Feeneyite. This ignorance creates the non traditional Cushingite results. Vatican Councl II (Feeneyite) can prevent this un-orthodoxy.
This is not discussed by anyone else. Since it would mean Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre  was wrong and the Lefebvrists would have to affirm Feeneyite EENS.They do not want to do this for career, financial and personal reasons.
Then there is the main line Church which would not like it. Since it  would also mean that the popes from Paul VI made a mistake on Vatican Council II and the popes from Pius XII made a mistake on EENS and the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB)  and invincible ignorance( I.I).
This would also be too much for Church Militant TV, LifeSite News, Remnant News, Rorate Caeili and the blogs and websites who need the approval of their dioceses.
This is the only blog which standing against ecclesiastical Masonry on the issue of Feeneyism vs Cushingism, in the interpretation of Magisterial documents.
LifeSite News, Church Militant TV and the Lepanto Foundation 1) will not affirm Vatican Council II without the false premise and inference since they would then be supporting Feeneyite EENS.
2)They will not say that there are no physically visible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I since then they would be supporting Feeneyite EENS.
3) They will not affirm the past exclusivist ecclesiology with no exceptions, an ecumenism of return with no exceptions and EENS with no exceptions, since they want to please the Establishment. Bishop Athansius Schneide will not state that Protestants need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation ( to avoid Hell).It is no use sending him reminders.
They will not ask Cardinal Reinhardt Marx and the German bishops to affirm exclusive salvation  in the Catholic Church and  interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise and inference, since neither can they do the same in public.
Even Cardinal Marx and the German bishops may want to protect their interests, like John Henry Weston, Michael Matt and Roberto dei Mattei.
It is the same challenge for all of us : Jesus and the his teachins in the Catholic Church or the approval of the world.
Among the bloggers and websites I am the only one standing in the way of the false theology and doctrines of the the present 'magisterium'.The traditionalists and conservatives are Cushingites like the present two Cushingite popes.They all interpret Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms and EENS with the false premise and inference.
I do not earn any money through this blog or my writings.I do not have a bank balance.I have no plans to write a book.I do not appeal for donations. I can live without my blog, if I have to.
It is easy for Weston, Mattei and Matt to pose, at the Acies Ordinata assemblies, get themselves photographed and video taped by their own people, and then not proclaim the faith on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, with no known exceptions.
The next Voice of the Family seminar will not be on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church with no exceptions but 'Opening the door to the voice of purity and closing the door upon vice'.😕  
The Lifesite News Catholic Edition has the main story saying German bishops synod working doc calls for approval of contraception, homosexuality and women's ordination. So what ? Even the other media is  reporting the same thing.-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 29, 2020

German bishops go ahead with their liberalism based upon a false interpretation of the Council which is now obvious in the books published on Vatican Council II : Next stage of Synodal Path tomorrow

 JANUARY 29, 2020

It is unethical for Pope Benedict to keep this article in German on line and mislead people. Similarly it is unethical for Ferrara and Mattei to keep promoting their books with the error.This is dishonesty.

JANUARY 29, 2020

Bishop Robert Barron interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and this would be unethical even by secular standards in California

JANUARY 29, 2020

The Synodal Path of the German Bishops begins on January 3o and it is based upon an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II. Also the Amazon Synod was theologically based upon Vatican Council II, interpreted irrationally. This was confirmed by Cardinal Hummes. He said that the basis of the decisions and changes at the Amazon Synod, was Vatican Council II. He meant the Council , interpreted irrationally.

JANUARY 29, 2020

Pope Benedict needs to apologies for projecting LG 16, GS 22 etc as being practical exceptions to the past ecclesiology of the Church.He has made this error in his articles and books and two theological papers of the International Theological Commission, Vatican, which he approved as the cardinal-prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

JANUARY 28, 2020

Logo Trägerverein des Deutschen Presserats e.V.

Deutsche Presserat needs to inform newspapers and publishers that there is a rational and honest interpretation of Vatican Council II it is ethical.It does not create an artificial and calculated rupture with Catholic Tradition,pleasing to one lobby

JANUARY 26, 2020

News agency reports of the past on Vatican Council II need to be corrected officially by Cardinal Reinhardt Marx and German News Agencies and also the Federal Press Conference Association (BPK-Bundespressekonferenz)


JANUARY 24, 2020

Questions and Answers

JANUARY 25, 2020

When the popes and the traditionalists use a false premise and inference to interpret the Council it is not just another opinion or theology, it is subterfuge. It is telling a lie officially

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