Sunday, February 16, 2020

Catholic political parties could issue statements on the issue of Catholic salvation.They could support the Social Reign of Christ the King but also- the Catholic concept of salvation and faith.

Now that there is no separation of Church and leftist -State in Italy the Catholic political parties need to affirm the Catholic faith in public, on religious issues, ignored by the Vatican for political reasons. Salvation is as much a political issue as abortion.
We need a catechesis on salvation from the political parties since it is not coming forth from the Church.
Catholic political parties could issue statements on the issue of Catholic salvation.They could support the Social Reign of Christ the King but also- the Catholic concept of salvation and faith.
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Salvini and Meloni 's social media tell us about the poor in Italy but what about those who have lost the faith, the Faith ?
Remember in Italy, politically there is no separation of the leftist state and the leftist Church, so salvation is a political issue. The faith is a political issue.
The political left has entered the realm of religion ( abortion, gay mariages ) and so the political parties must comment on faith issues like salvation since we are Catholics.
We belong to the Catholic Church outside of which there is no salvation and not to a Catholic Church outside of which there is salvation.
The popes belong to the Catholic Church outside of which there is salvation.
This needs to be corrected.
The popes need to be reminded about Vatican Council II ( interpreted rationally).
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus is a dogma of the Church and not just an 'aphorism'. A correction needs to be made in the Catechism of the Catholic Church ( 846-Outside the Church No Salvation).This is an issue the political parties can discuss.
Vatican Council II( interpreted rationally) supports the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church. So when the popes reject Vatican Council II or the past ecclesiology, the political parties could issue a statement and remind all about the issue.
Political parties need to set up a department of religious affairs, who will monitor and correct, non Catholic statements coming from the leftists at the Vatican.
Similarly they need to check what students are forced to believe and learn at pontifical universities in Rome.
If we deny Jesus and the Church, the Bible tells us, He will deny us before the Father in Heaven on the last Day of Judgement.-Lionel Andrades

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