Monday, February 17, 2020

So much of Pope Benedict's writings with the false premise, inference and conclusion were there to support the leftist ideology. We have a leftist theology with new doctrines.

So much of Pope Benedict's writings with the false premise, inference and conclusion were there to support the leftist ideology. We have a leftist theology with new doctrines.So a new Catholic faith is created within the Catholic Church. The seeds of that false church were already there.He developed it.He did not reject it as a Catholic in good conscience.

He used the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II to support the leftist secular state instead of a Catholic State with an ecclesiocentric ecclesiology.
1.The 1949 Letter of the Holy Office (LOHO) , approved by the Masons and Americanists, was taught at pontifical universities as the New Theology.It has an objective error. With the irrational premise, inference and conclusion it presupposes that there is known salvation outside the Church. Then it was postulated that outside the Church there is salvation. This creates a ruptue with Catholic Tradition.The Athanasius Creed, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Catechism of the Pope Pius X ( 2Q, 27Q) etc is made obsolete.Even the understanding of the Nicene Creed has been changed.So the profession of faith in Church by the congregation is meaningless.
This is important for ecclesiastical  Masonry working for a one world religion headed by the Anti Christ.
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Catholic political parties need to protest.They should stand  outside the pontifical universities and catechize.Present the Catholic Faith where this  error is intentionally being taught. Do not permit an artificial rupture, with Sacred Tradition.
The Lega,  Forza Nuova,Militia Christi and others,  should not accept the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) as being exceptions to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).This is leftist theology. It is the new theology. Ir is also known as the Rahner-Ratzinger new theology.It replaces traditional Feeneyism with Cushingism.
ImageImage result for Forza NuovaImage result for Forza Nuova
When BOD, BOB and I.I are confused as being practical exceptions to EENS, leftist theology is created in the Catholic Church.
The LOHO is an example of Leftist ideology being accepted in the Church since the time of Pope Pius XII, after the creation of the new state of Israel.
Image result for Photo Salvini with rosary in church ph
2.The interpretation of Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and conclusion is also leftist theology. It supports the ideology of those who approve abortion, gay marriages and work for the destruction of the Catholic Church, through immigration and other means.
The Catholic political parties could ask that Vatican Council II be interpreted without the irrational premise, inference and conclusion.
3.The traditional Catholic Church teaching on mortal sin is also put aside with a misinterpretation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.A mortal sin is a mortal sin and we humans cannot judge an exception because of the circumstances, free will etc.A mortal sin leads to Hell and it must be confessed in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The alleged exception, due to subjective judgements, is not the rule.
If a woman is dressed vulgar it is a mortal sin. We can see the proof before us.She encourages sins of lust in others who will go to Hell for all eternity, as the Bible tells in the Gospel of Matthew.So the woman is also responsible for the way she chooses to dress.It would be the same for a man dressed vuglarly.
 If there are circumstances which would suggest it is not a mortal sin, they would be known to God.
Yet we see in church, men and women dressed vulgar coming up to receive the Eucharist .The priest gives the Eucharist to them in Italy.
The Left and Satan want the Catholic Church to change its teachings on immodesty in dress, divorce, gay marriages etc, so that souls going to Hell will be confirmed in their road to eternal death.Leftist ideology must not be imposed upon Catholics in church premises or the educational institutions.-Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 16, 2020

Catholic political parties could issue statements on the issue of Catholic salvation.They could support the Social Reign of Christ the King but also- the Catholic concept of salvation and faith.

FEBRUARY 16, 2020

In Italy, Church and State are not separated. The Church supports the Left. The Church is separated from Catholic values in law and politics

FEBRUARY 15, 2020

Image result for Photos Social Reign of Christ the King

Salvini and the Lega are at a disadvantage

JULY 17, 2017
Catholic political parties must teach Catholics the faith which is not being taught by religious due to political pressure 

 MAY 3, 2017
Image result for Name of the President of Poland
Andrzej Duda President of Poland does not note the split between Church doctrine and State in Poland because of Cushingism

OCTOBER 30, 2016
Image result for Photo of the Social Reign of Christ the King
With Feeneyite Vatican Council II the Catholic Church affirms the Social Reign of Christ the King.


JANUARY 24, 2020

Questions and Answers 


Questions and Answers : Vatican Council II is Feeneyite. It has an exclusivist ecclesiology

Questions and Answers : Evangelizing with Vatican Council II

Questions and Answers : Vatican Council II affirms the Social Kingship of Christ the King

Questions and Answers : Did the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 make a factual mistake ?

Questions and Answers : Vatican Council II affirms the Social Kingship of Christ the King

Questions and Answers : Evangelizing with Vatican Council II

Questions and Answers : Vatican Council II is Feeneyite. It has an exclusivist ecclesiology


The present 'Magisterium' supports the political Left on doctrine and has also made a factual mistake
If ' a ray of the Truth' (NA 2) is considered visible or invisible decides heresy

The theology of the Magisterium has gone off the rails. It is bad theology to assume there are objective cases on earth, in the present times, of people who are in Heaven

Every one needs to be a Catholic : Those who are taught or not taught, those who know or do not know about the Church, will be decided by Jesus

It is the magisterium which has contradicted itself

The Holy Office 1949 made a mistake. Cardinal Marchetti-Selvaggiani assumed there are known exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus - Cantarella, CathInfo forum

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