Monday, March 2, 2020

The Most Holy Family Monastery(MHFM) interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and conclusion and they complain about the popes doing the same thing. Cardinal Schonborn and Taylor Marshall also interpret Vatican Council II irrationally, just like the MHFM and the popes since Paul VI.

E-Exchanges on various issues

MHFM: False traditionalist heretic Taylor Marshall recently complained: “JP2 named the heretic Schonborn in 1998.”  Schönborn is certainly a heretic, but the typical argument of non-sedevacantists is that Francis must not be regarded as a heretic (but the pope) because Catholics supposedly don’t have the authority to consider anyone who claims to be Catholic an actual heretic in the external forum until there has been a declaration.  Their position is nonsense, of course.  It’s refuted by Catholic teaching.  But it’s interesting to see how they don’t even remain consistent with it.  When it’s someone they really want to criticize (e.g. Schonborn or perhaps a pro-abortion politician), their principles get thrown out the window.  They are inconsistent because their position is false.  

Please note that the Most Holy Family Monastery(MHFM) interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and conclusion and they complain about the popes  doing the same thing.
Cardinal Schonborn and Taylor Marshall also interpret Vatican Council II irrationally, just like the MHFM and the popes since Paul VI.
The MHFM considers the position of Catholics heretical since they accept the popes since Paul VI but do not consider themself,Peter and Michael Dimond, heretical for interpreting Vatican Council II with the same irrationality instead of without it.-Lionel Andrades 


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