Monday, March 2, 2020

The SSPX must categorically announce that they reject the Vatican Council II of Pope Paul VI interpreted with a false premise and that they accept Vatican Council II interpreted with a rational premise.

 Image result for Photo society of st. pius xImage result for Photo society of st. pius x
The SSPX must categorically announce that they reject the Vatican Council II of Pope Paul VI interpreted with a false premise and that they accept Vatican Council II interpreted with a rational premise.
They must not say that they accept 10 % of the Council. This is vague and a compromise.Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise is always wrong . Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre rejected it. He was correct- period.
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Image result for Photo society of st. pius xImage result for Photo society of st. pius x
The SSPX  must also not say that they affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)  with the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance being exceptions.It is irrational when they state that everyone needs to enter the Church but some do not need to do so.
Affirm BOD, BOB and I.i as hypothetical cases ( they cannot be anyhting more) and also the strict interpretation of EENS.
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So Vatican Council Ii and BOD, BOB and I.I would not be exceptions to EENS.
So the SSPX would be affirming Vatican Council II and EENS. But they would be rejecting EENS according to Pope Pius XII and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and they would be rejecting Vatican COuncil II according to the Pope Paul VI and the popes who follwoed.
 Image result for Photo society of st. pius xImage result for Photo society of st. pius x
In this way they return to the traditional rational theology and doctrines which are no more contradictory and heretical for them.-Lionel Andrades

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