Monday, July 6, 2020

Archbishop Luigi Negri could issue a statement on Vatican Council II

Archbishop Luigi Negri, the Emeritus Archbishop of Ferrara-Commachio,Italy  has commented on Archbishop Vigano's statement to President Trump- but not the one on Vatican Council II.May be he does not know that it was his ignorance of Vatican Council II that allowed Archbishop Giancarlo Peregro, the present Archbishop of Ferrara-Commachio,
to close down the community formed by Mons.Negri and transfer the priests out of Ferrara.
The priests who were transferred did not have to reject Vatican Council II to support Tradition.This was the mistake of Archbishop Negri,who is a Lefbvrist.Instead they had to ask Mons. Peregro  to affirm Vatican Council II  without the false premise and so automatically support Tradition(EENS, Syllabus of Errors etc).
What would happen to Archbishop Negri if he would affirm Vatican Council II without the false premise ? Would he still be allowed to stay in the Bishops House in Ferrara ?
Would the Jewish Left demand that he leave?
Now he has interpreted Vatican Council II like Pope Paul VI and Prof. Alberto Melloni of the Bologna School. He does not tell the Lega Mayor in Ferrara,Alan Fabri, to interpret Vatican Council II  without the false premise and inference.

It was because of the Archbishop Negri's leftist interpretation of Vatican Council II that an Auxiliary Bishop from Rome, could visit Ferrara and help close down the religious community there.It was Archbishop Negri's religious formation which was not helpful. He could issue a statement on Vatican Council II and address it to the Mayor of Ferrara and the present Archbishop.-Lionel Andrades

JULY 1, 2020

Image result for Mons. Luigi Negri, Emeritus Archbishop of Ferrara

JULY 6, 2020

Matteo, Schneider and Vigano could ask themselves if Vatican Council II contradicts the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) ? Where? LG 8( elements of sanctification and truth in other religions), LG 16( invincible ignorance)? Are there exceptions to EENS?

JULY 8, 2019

Image result for Archbishop Gian Carlo Perego Photo

JULY 7, 2019

It is heresy for the Archbishop of Ferrara to reject the Syllabus of Errors and the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church by teaching that there are personally or generally known exceptions of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in 2019. So Vatican Council II is wrongly projected by him as a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). The Mayor of Ferrara could correct the Archbishop and announce that there are no personally or generally known exceptions to EENS in 2019

JULY 6, 2019

Mayor of Ferrara could announce that as Catholics they do not know anyone saved outside the Catholic Church (Graphics)

JULY 6, 2019

They have lost their Catholic Identity (Graphics)

JULY 5, 2019

Archbishop Gian Carlo Perego who supports Leftist salvation theology in the Catholic Church praises Freemason Giuseppe Garibaldi

JULY 5, 2019

Salvini must ask Pope Francis to not use a false premise and inference in the interpretation of Vatican Council II. Do not politicize the Council.The present salvation theology in the Catholic Church is not Catholic.It is a mortal sin of faith

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