Monday, July 6, 2020

Ignatius Press and Angelus Press books on Vatican Council II are interpeted with a false premise.

Apologia for Tradition



Angelus Press was founded in 1978 in Dickinson, Texas, by Fr. Carl Pulvermacher, OFM. 
We began as an apostolate of the Society of St. Pius X to provide traditional Catholic
 literature and doctrine to Americans confused by the changes in the Church after Second
 Vatican Council and the introduction of the New Mass. 
Lionel. Note: They are interpreting Vatican Council II 
with a false premise instead of without it.
Although run almost entirely by
 volunteers, Fr. Carl Pulvermacher and his small band of faithful helpers ensured that, in
 the whirlwind of changes happening in the 1970’s, faithful Catholics could find reliable,
 traditional Catholic teaching.
Lionel : All their books on Vatican Council II are
 interpreted with a false premise, inference 
and concluion.
Shortly after this humble beginning, Archbishop Lefebvre gave us the mandate to be the
 official publisher of his works in English. He wanted to be sure that Americans and other 
English-speaking Catholics would know of his work and that of the Society of St. Pius X.
Lionel: He did not know that Vatican Council II
 could be interpeted with LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc
 being visible and not visible, unknown and not 
By the grace of God, after almost 40 years of continued growth, Angelus Press now offers over six hundred titles, of which over 250 are our own publications. We continue not only to fortify traditional Catholics so that they can defend the Faith, we also 
reach out to those who have not yet found Tradition. St. John Bosco once said “Only God 
knows the good that can come about by reading one good Catholic book.”
Lionel: Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's bools are
 based on the irrational interpretation of the 
Council. So they cannot be recommended.
Being blessed by Providence over the years, Angelus Press has grown now to 
become the official communications arm of the U.S. District. This means that, in addition 
to the books and The Angelus magazine, we:
  • Host an annual conference to help form the faithful;
  • Manage and publish the internal and external bulletins of the Society, including the 
  • Regina Coeli Report, the Priest’s Bulletin, and the upcoming magazine for the missions;
  • Manage the US District’s official website,;
  • Assist with the launching of the upcoming international SSPX News agency.
    This “hidden” side of the work of Angelus Press, besides strengthening the faithful, 
    is more often than not, the first contact with those searching for Tradition. This apostolic 
    outreach is critical to rebuilding the Church.
    Lionel: They want to build a Church with the
     liberal New Theology.
    Our Conference for Catholic Tradition in 2016 was dedicated to the missions. While we 
    discussed the foreign missions in Africa, Asia, and elsewhere, we wanted to stress that 
    everywhere is effectively mission territory today. Even here in America, we can truly say 
    that the work of the Society, and of Angelus Press, is a missionary effort!
    Lionel. It is not missionary since their theology
     says outside the Church there is salvation. 
    LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc are exceptions to the 
    dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)
    for them.
    As part of this missionary effort, Angelus Press and the US District have been supplying
     books and materials free of charge to several important groups of people. The first group
     are those priests interested in coming to Tradition and wanting to learn the traditional
     Latin Mass and sacraments. We receive hundreds of requests for help and assistance, 
    not only on how to offer the traditional Latin Mass, but for a wide range of information about
     Tradition itself...
    Lionel. It is a false Tradition which is being 
    promoted. There is no denial from them.
     They agree with what I say but for political
    reasons keep silent.


    In 1974 Father Joseph Fessio, S.J. returned to the United States from then-West Germany, 
    where he had completed his doctoral studies in theology under then-Professor Joseph 
    Ratzinger (who would later become Pope Benedict XVI).
    Lionel: Pope Benedict and Fr. Fessio interpret 
    Vatican Council  II with the false premise instead 
    of without it. So the books  on Vatican Council II
    cannot be recommended.
     Previously Father  Fessio had been pursuing graduate studies in theology in France, 
    mentored by Father Henri de Lubac, S.J. (later to be made a Cardinal by Pope St. John 
    Paul II). It was Father de Lubac who proposed to Father Fessio that he write his doctoral
     thesis on the theology of Father Hans Urs von Balthasar, whom Father de Lubac described
     as 'the greatest theologian or our time...
    Lionel. Fr. Henri de Lubac and Fr. Balthasar also interpreted 
    Vatican Council II with the irrationality to create an artificial 
    rupture with Tradition.
    and perhaps of all time'. (Father von Balthasar was also named a Cardinal by Pope St. John 
    Paul II but died shortly before being officially received into the College of Cardinals.)  It was 
    also Father de Lubac who wrote to Professor Ratzinger asking that Father Fessio be 
    accepted by him as a doctoral student.
                 De Lubac, Balthasar, and Ratzinger were and are among the most distinguished 
    Catholic theologians of the 20th century, but in the 1970s, few of their works were known 
    in the United States and even fewer were available in English translation.
    Lionel. They all promote the New Theology based on the
     irrational interpretation of LG 16 etc.
                 It was to serve the good of the Catholic Church by making these works available 
    to English-speaking readers, that in June of 1978, Father Fessio, along with Carolyn Lemon,
     began Ignatius Press as the primary activity of an existing non-profit religious corporation,
     Guadalupe Associates, Inc.
                 Ignatius Press grew rapidly and added other European theologians as authors, 
    including Father Louis Bouyer, C.O. Manuscripts from American authors began arriving 
    and Ignatius Press expanded its list to include them.
                 Tony Ryan arrived as Director of Marketing in 1981 and soon thereafter began 
    acquiring rights to distribute Catholic and family-friendly films. The Ignatius Press list of
     books and films expanded rapidly both in quantity and genre to include a wide variety of
     titles and authors. The criteria of selection were three: fidelity to the apostolic and 
    evangelizing mission of the Catholic Church; outstanding literary and artistic quality; ability
     to reach the widest possible readership and viewership, including academics, religious,
     priests, laity, and children.
                Ignatius Press also undertook to assist in the religious education of young people 
    through collaborating with Catholics United for the Faith to develop the Faith and Life series
     and with a catechetical group to produce a catechetical series Image of God. Later, Father 
    Fessio and Ignatius Press assisted with the English translation of the Catechism of the 
    Catholic Church. More recently, Ignatius Press published the YOUCAT series of books 
    aimed at the religious formation of young people. These works were created with the 
    help of an international group of youth and catechists, and were approved by Popes 
    Benedict and Francis.     
    Lionel. They were all intepreting Vatican Council II 
    with an irrationality.

                     Ignatius Press is an apostolate, a ministry of Guadalupe Associates, a 
    church-based group of people who use their talents “for the greater glory of God”. 
    Guadalupe Associates/Ignatius Press’s  mission is to collaborate in the evangelizing, 
    catechetical, liturgical, and educational work of the Catholic Church, through the publication
     and distribution of Catholic print, video, and audio materials, especially books and films, as
     well as through the internet and social media.
    Lionel. There is no catechesis and educational work with 
    Vatican Council II interpreted without the false premise, 
    inference and conclusion.
     Guadalupe Associates/Ignatius Press helps 
    deepen people’s spiritual lives in a number of ways, including by means of its retreat house
     and through the publication of liturgical and spiritual resources such as the Adoremus 
    Hymnal, the Mass of Vatican II booklet, and the Ignatius Pew Missal for churches. These 
    and other works reflect the liturgical and spiritual vision of Guadalupe Associates, Inc, 
    which is nourished by the communal daily prayer and worship of many of its workers.
    Lionel: All these activities are possible because

    they interpret Vatican Council II with the
     irrationality.-Lionel Andrades

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