Sunday, July 5, 2020

Neither do Mattei, Schneider and Vigano have the courage to present the Council without the artificial false premise

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In this context, the recent interventions on Vatican II by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and the Auxiliary Bishop of Astana, Athanasius Schneider, are to be appreciated. They have had the courage to face a theological and cultural debate which cannot be evaded.-Roberto Dei Mattei

Lionel: Courage to face a theological and cultural debate ? They are part of the problem and so is  Roberto dei Mattei.Fifty-five years of error sticks hard.
Debate ? Where is the debate ? All sides  are prudently interpreting Vatican Councl II with the false premise and the Jewish Left is not upset. Every thing is still rosy.
If Vigano affirms Vatican Council II without the false premise he would take the whole Church back to 16th century EENS and  the Church Fathers.We would be back to affirming the Catechism of Pope Pius X. The Church would be back to outside the Church there is no salvation with Vatican Council II no where contradicting the traditional teaching on the Church having the superiority and exclusiveness of salvation.
But where is Mattei interpreting Vatican Council II with courage ?
Where is the courage in the statements of Vigano and Schneider ?
It would take courage for Vigano to affirm the Council without the false premise and set himself in opposition to the Left. They could restrict his freedom of movement and place obstacles for him.They could force him to come out of hiding.
So neither do Mattei, Schneider and Vigano have the courage to present the Council without the artificial false premise.-Lionel Andrades

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