Sunday, July 5, 2020

Repost : Patricia Chadwick indicates that Fr. Leonard Feeney, Sr. Catherine and the original community at the St. Benedict Center did not interpret Vatican Council II as supporting exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Their interpretation of the Council was Cushingite and not Feeneyite.

JUNE 27, 2020

Patricia Chadwick indicates that Fr. Leonard Feeney, Sr. Catherine and the original community at the St. Benedict Center did not interpret Vatican Council II as supporting exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Their interpretation of the Council was Cushingite and not Feeneyite.

Patricia Chadwick  in her memoirs, Little Sister,  indicates that Fr. Leonard Feeney, Sr. Catherine and the  St. Benedict Center misunderstood Vatican Council II.They did not see Vatican Council II supporting exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.Instead they were critical of Vatican Council II she indicates in an interview( see below). Their interpretation of Vatican Council II was Cushingite and not Feeneyite.Pope Paul VI chose to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise instead of without it and they were not aware of it.
Pope Paul VI lifted the political and ideological excommunication of Fr. Leonard Feeney. The priest recited the Athanasius Creed and continued to interpret EENS without the false premise. But there were no comments on Vatican Council II.
Even the communities of Fr. Leonard Feeney at Still River, MA and Richmond, N.H interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise and then rejected the Council.The Lefebvrist traditionalists did the same.No one said that Vatican Council II is Feeneyite.
There was no statement from Brother Francis Maluf, MICM, at the St. Benedict Center, N.H  saying Vatican Council II supported the dogma EENS with Ad Gentes 7 and that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA2, Gs 22 etc were not exceptions to EENS, or AG 7. Since they are always hypothetical cases in the present times.
Until today the SBC are not discussing this subject.They are not clarifying that they are Feeneyite on Vatican Council II.
Patricia Chadwick rejects EENS ( Feeneyite) and interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise. So she is a Cushingite on EENS and Vatican Council II.She would be interpreting the Catechisms and Creeds too, with the error and so would be schismatic with the past popes on EENS, Athanasius Creed,Syllabus of Errors etc.-Lionel Andrades

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