Sunday, July 5, 2020

Brother Andre Marie MICM does not make the Cushingite/Feeneyite distinction. It would make things clearer

From Warren Goddard to Brother Andre Marie MICM, Prior, St.Benedict Center, Richmond, New Hampshire, USA.

Paul Margand, (aka Fpf) forwarded the following to Brother Andre Marie..

"Contrary to the meaning of dogma:

In 2017, Brother Andre Marie "affirmed the principle 'Outside Church No Salvation' must be interpreted according to the official doctrine of the Church”.

In 1949, the Holy Office letter to Archbishop Cushing said “ No Salvation Outside the Church dogma must be understood in that sense in which the Church herself understands it”

I did reply to you concerning Father Feeney saying:
“Br. Andre Marie,You agree with Ryan Grant that salvation may be possible without the Sacrament of Baptism. That is heresy according to the Solemn Magisterium. I speak for Father Feeney saying: “Liberal theologians of our day keep on saying that all you need to do to be saved is to be justified, and you can be justified without the waters of Redemption which the Babe of Bethlehem was born to bring.” I absolutely do not speak for your Saint Benedict Center which holds that justification can precede the Sacrament of Baptism. That is heresy according to the Solemn Magisterium.”

You're wrong on Trent. It's accurate Justification text is:

The instrumental cause of justification is the sacrament of baptism, which is “the sacrament of faith”, without which cause no man was ever justified.  Council of Trent Session 6 Chapter 7. - Warren Goddard


“Br. Andre Marie,You agree with Ryan Grant that salvation may be possible without the Sacrament of Baptism.(Only hypothetically or speculatively salvation may be possible without the Sacrament of Baptism and this is  meaningless. Since every thing is possible for God.It is also possible that there were no exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) over the last 55 years. 
In real life, it is not possible for us human beings, to know an exception to the need of the Sacrament of Baptism for salvation. Since in real life all need faith and the baptism of water for salvation and justification)  That is heresy according to the Solemn Magisterium.(Brother Andre Marie MICM does not make the Cushingite/Feeneyite distinction. It would make things clearer ) I speak for Father Feeney saying: “Liberal theologians of our day keep on saying that all you need to do to be saved is to be justified, and you can be justified without the waters of Redemption which the Babe of Bethlehem was born to bring.”(The liberal theologians and the present popes and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith also do not make the Cushingite-Feeneyite distinction. Then they take advantage of the confusion, to even interpret Vatican Council II with the irrationality and confusion.They are Cushingites.). I absolutely do not speak for your Saint Benedict Center which holds that justification can precede the Sacrament of Baptism. That is heresy according to the Solemn Magisterium.” (In the practical realm, in real life in 2020 every one needs the Sacrament of Baptism for salvation, They need the Sacrament of Baptism with Catholic faith in the Catholic Church.It is only with the Sacrament of Baptism, given to adults who have the faith that there can be justification. This is the norm. However if someone is saved outside the Church and has justification without the baptism of water, it would only be known to God. So it is not an exception to the dogma EENS and neither is it a known example of salvation outside the Catholic Church.It is something that does not exist in our human reality.)

You're wrong on Trent. It's accurate Justification text is:

The instrumental cause of justification is the sacrament of baptism, which is “the sacrament of faith”, without which cause no man was ever justified.  Council of Trent Session 6 Chapter 7.( In the practical realm all need the baptism of water in the Catholic Church for salvation.As a speculative possibility known only to God and unknown to us, in any personal case, a person can be saved with the desire, if God wills it.However the norm for salvation in the Catholic Church is faith and the baptism of water and there are no exceptions.Postulating a known exception would be irrational and non traditional.) -Lionel Andrades

JULY 3, 2020

How can the Holy Spirit make an objective mistake? So the CDF statement cannot be magisterial on this issue. This is not the Magisterium, the Sacred Magisterium.

JULY 4, 2020

There are a few points in the Doctrinal Beliefs of the St. Benedict Center which could be clarified

JULY 5, 2020

Repost : Patricia Chadwick indicates that Fr. Leonard Feeney, Sr. Catherine and the original community at the St. Benedict Center did not interpret Vatican Council II as supporting exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Their interpretation of the Council was Cushingite and not Feeneyite.

JULY 4, 2020

Protecting the false premise : Catholic News Agency, Vigano, Schneider, Negri, Mattei and Weston, they do not want to mention it

 JULY 4, 2020

The St. Benedict Center, Richmond, New Hampshire, USA has been promoting the books Iota Unum of Amerio Romano and Mons. Clifford Fenton and Roberto dei Mattei. They all interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise ( invisible cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church are visible) and so create a false conclusion( outside the Church there is known salvation) which is a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the Feeneyite EENS.

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