Saturday, August 8, 2020

Bishop Barron and Michael Voris interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise instead of without it.The present two popes interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and they must switch to Vatican Council II interpreted without the false premise.

  Faithful Catholics do not question or repudiate the authority of the Second Vatican Council.- Michael Voris 

Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise is a rupture with Tradition ( EENS, Syllabus of Errors ) etc. It is a falsehood and it is not magisterial. All faithful Catholics should reject it.

Vatican Council II interpreted without the false premise is not a rupture with Tradition ( Athanasius Creed etc) . It is line with the past Magisterium of the Catholic Church.All faithful Catholics should accept Vatican Council II, interpreted without the false premise.

Bishop Barron and Michael Voris interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise instead of without it.The present two popes interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and they must switch to Vatican Council II interpreted without the false premise.- Lionel Andrades

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